Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion #2) - Natasza Waters Page 0,115

or Melodie.”

A desperate man did desperate things if pushed into a corner. Josh asked, “Did the senator ask you to kill his daughter?”

Blanchard nodded. “The only way to protect Mel was to have her arrested.” He blinked, then said, “I knew the system, but I couldn’t defeat a man like Kallis. He’s way too powerful. The only thing I could do was manipulate the outcome so that the Navy got involved.”

A hard knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Lt. Manchester leaned in. “The senator and his entourage are here. He wants to send his lawyers in to play defense for Melodie.”

All eyes shifted to the woman. Blanchard had risked a lot for Melodie. Depending on how far gone she was psychologically, she could either destroy Blanchard’s rescue attempt or grab the lifeline he’d carefully crafted.

The detective cupped her cheeks in his large palms. “Baby, we are inches away from freedom. Believe in me a little longer.”


She turned her gaze toward Josh.

“Did you murder your brother or Captain Reynolds?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Did your father murder Captain Gethsemane Reynolds and bury her body on the Kallis estate?”

She swept the tears from her cheeks. “I didn’t see him do it, but that was his intention.”

Josh darted a look Manchester’s way, then said to Melodie, “It only takes one person to change your whole life. This guy,” he pointed at Blanchard, “he believes in you so much, he’s willing to throw away everything he’s achieved. You’ve been abused since you were a little girl. If you can find it in yourself to trust someone, I’d trust this man.” Josh remembered what Kayla had told him. “He’s the guy who’ll walk through Hell to find you and lead you through the fire. All you have to do is take his hand.”

Melodie blinked and turned a tearful gaze to Manchester who waited at the door. “I don’t need my father’s lawyers.”

Blanchard released a deep gust of relief and wrapped her in his arms.

“Where is Dixie’s weapon?” Josh asked.

Blanchard kissed Melodie, then said, “I hid it in the evidence lock-up room, here in this precinct.”


Josh joined Dean and Lt. Manchester in the hall and closed the door.

Manchester said, “You ever decide to leave the Navy, I’ll have a job at NCIS waiting for you.”

He grinned. “Thanks, I’ll remember that. What’s the next step?”

Det. Dean nudged his head toward the room they’d just left. “Let things cool down in there a little, then go back in and get the story of what happened to Chandler. I think she’ll be ready to talk.”

The lieutenant’s cell rang and he lifted a finger while answering the call.

“Yes.” Manchester’s brows popped. “You’re sure?” He shook his head as if shocked. “All right, thank you.”

He slid the cell back into his chest pocket. “That was Dr. Toland. He finished Capt. Reynolds’ autopsy and received some preliminary test results.”

Josh waited for the punchline.

“The good doctor solved the riddle of who killed Chandler. The forensic technicians found gunfire residue on Gesem’s fingers.” He grinned. “It can only mean one thing. She went down fighting and took Chandler with her before the senator took her life.”

Josh grinned. The recon Mace and Tinman had learned from the janitorial crew confirmed there had been an altercation in the Ardon Corporation office. Pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Chandler and the senator had argued. The senator or Chandler had pulled a weapon. During a struggle, the weapon ended up in Gethsemane’s hands and she didn’t waste time. She had her own revolver and kept her skills sharp by going to the range on a routine basis. The doc had said the grouping in Chandler’s chest had been tight. Like the lieutenant said, she’d gone down fighting.

“Nice job, Gesem.” Josh closed his eyes and nodded.

The senator waited in a conference room with his lawyers when Josh followed Lt. Manchester to the table.

“Where’s my daughter?” Senator Kallis asked gruffly, wearing a dark suit and looking every bit a polished politician. He grilled the lieutenant with a sharp glare.

Josh and Manchester took a seat. This silver-haired sonofabitch wasn’t going down easily. In fact, probably not at all, unless a miracle happened.

A psychopath with a pedigree, just like his son.

“We’re very sorry for your loss, Senator,” Manchester stated, adjusting himself in the chair.

“Our family needs time to grieve, yet you’re excavating my estate.”

Puncturing the senator’s shields wouldn’t be easy. Josh wasn’t certain he could do it. A man like Kallis had no weakness. He wouldn’t crumble under pressure. A guy

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