Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion #2) - Natasza Waters Page 0,116

like him lied with conviction, raped his daughter without remorse, and watched his son die, probably without a tear.

“Did you know your son was a serial killer, a rapist, and a stalker?” Manchester asked calmly.

The lawyer, in his late sixties, sitting to the senator’s left, shook his head. “It’s a large estate. Anyone could dump a body there. Now, I’d like to see Melodie Kallis.”

Josh refrained from showing any emotion. This was a game of psychological warfare and at the moment, if he opened his mouth, he wasn’t certain what would come out.

The lieutenant fired back, “She has declined your services. As for Chandler, his past assault charges suggest his guilt. Yet, we’re not here to discuss your son. My concern is who murdered a decorated naval officer that worked with you, Mr. Kallis. Her name is Captain Reynolds.” He paused and added in a friendly tone, “Smart, talented lady.”

The senator glared at the lieutenant, his watery blue eyes hiding an evil soul.

Manchester waited a few beats. “You see, she had the wherewithal, once she’d learned you were involved in human trafficking, to leave a trail we could follow.”

The old man’s shoulders lifted when he snorted out his disdain. “Miss Reynolds had some far-fetched ideas.”

The fact that he’d referred to Gesem as Miss, instead of her rank, signalled to Josh the man’s contempt.

Det. Dean stepped into the room. “They’re here.”

Manchester grinned. “That’s good. Timing is perfect.” He stood and pushed in his chair, then gripped the leather headrest. “Mr. Kallis…”

Josh hid a grin when the lieutenant served the senator a return volley by not using his title.

“The United States Navy believes you are responsible for the murder of Capt. Gethsemane Reynolds. But that will only be one of the charges laid against you this evening.”

The door flung open. Admiral Austen led a team of agents who flooded the room.

Lt. Manchester nodded and stepped back so Ghost could take center stage. By the senator’s increasingly angry glare, he knew the admiral.

“Nice to see you again, Kallis,” Ghost greeted. “I wanted to be present today to wish you a fine farewell. These good men and women from Homeland Security are here to take you into custody on multiple charges of human trafficking. The Ardon fleet has been seized. All your assets are frozen.”

The senator rose. “I highly doubt that, Austen. If you have anything more to say, I’m sure my attorneys are willing to listen, but I’m not.”

A DHS agent stepped up to the senator. “Turn and face the wall, Senator.”

When the senator tried to push past the agent, he shoved Kallis face first against the wall, while other agents removed his lawyers from the room. With his aging cheek smashed against the drywall, handcuffs were snapped on Kallis’s wrists.

“You obviously forget how much power I hold in DC. You’re gonna regret this, Austen.”

Ghost chuckled. “I never regret bringing down a piece of shit like you. With Melodie’s statement that you repeatedly raped her—your own daughter—we’ll add incest and pedophilia to your string of charges.” He roughly turned the senator to look him straight in the eyes. “You’ll never see daylight again, you fucking prick.”

The DHS agents dragged a struggling and shouting senator from the office.

Josh rose and the admiral approached, then shook his hand. He always knew Ghost had connections, but to rally Homeland Security and put cuffs on Kallis meant the admiral had undisputable proof and far, far more clout than Josh had ever imagined.

“Admiral, you never mentioned what your new position was.”

Ghost grinned. “No, guess I didn’t.” He patted Josh on the shoulder. “I hear they’re releasing Dixie. You’ll probably want to be there when that happens.”

He shook his head in astonishment, but had no intention of looking a gift horse in the mouth. “Yeah, think I’ll do that.”

Chapter Twenty-seven

Dixie’s heart fluttered with excitement when Josh walked into the Erotic Bean at five p.m. Sabrina finished wiping down a table in the alcove near the front door and followed him.

Uniform or not, his aura wafted with masculinity. Wearing a black t-shirt and comfortable-fitting jeans, his thick biceps and confident stride made her heart swell. Josh hadn’t ditched all his country roots, evidenced by his well-worn cowboy boots.

“SITREP?” Dixie asked, using the new lingo she’d learned from the SEAL wives.

He grinned at Sabrina, who rounded the counter and untied Dixie’s apron.

“What’s going on?” Dix asked, glancing at her employee.

“You’ve got a date.” Sabrina lifted the neck strap over Dixie’s head, then draped the black apron over her forearm.

“Sorry, lady, but

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