Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion #2) - Natasza Waters Page 0,114

it’s time to tell me why you stole Dixie Hammond’s 9mm, removed the serial number from the actual murder weapon, and had Melodie plant it in Ed Saxton’s toilet. Keep in mind, I have a pretty good idea of what’s going on here. And once Kallis senior walks into this precinct, your whole plan will implode.”

The woman’s hands shook and she looked drained. Pale.

A tick in Blanchard’s jaw indicated Josh was on the right track.

Josh waited, but obviously Blanchard was still calculating the outcome. The room remained silent but for the white noise caused by lighting and air conditioning.

A monitor had been set up on the table and Josh reached for the remote control. He turned on the screen and played the video from Dixie’s bedroom.

At the end, Josh turned off the monitor, then placed his attention on Blanchard. “I’m not sure whether or not you knew Dixie had a camera system in the house. I’m guessing, you did. A man with your career accolades would only risk everything for a good reason. In your case, love.”

Blanchard still resisted, so Josh started, “Here’s what I think happened. You met Melodie when you first charged her for possession a couple years ago. Eventually, you gained her trust and learned what her father and brother had done to her. Even with her addiction, something about her drew you in. You watched her suffer and tried to convince her to leave. But she was too afraid.” Josh swerved his gaze to Melodie. “You wanted out, but knew your father and brother would never let that happen. And you loved this guy too much to bear seeing him die if he got involved.”

Blanchard slowly shifted his hand to the left and covered Melodie’s quivering fingers. “She was trapped.”

“Yeah, we know. From the traffic cams, we also know it was Melodie who drove her father to the Ardon Corporation office from the airport, arriving just before seven-thirty. The cameras show Chandler and Gethsemane entered the building around seven-fifteen p.m. The perfect storm of coincidence. The senator and Melodie showed up to see the new office, but Senator Kallis didn’t expect to see Gethsemane alive. The senator and his son, according to Melodie, had experienced a riff. My guess is the senator wanted Gesem dead because she’d figured out his involvement in human trafficking, and Chandler needed Gesem to draw Dixie.”

Josh was dying to ask the obvious question. Who’d killed Chandler? But that’s not what he was in this room for, so he refrained—for the moment.

“In order to save Melodie, you sacrificed yourself, Detective, and allowed the senator to use your position as a cop when he needed to clean up a mess. You earned his trust, not because you were dirty, but to stay close to the woman you loved. And you waited.”

Blanchard closed his eyes. The look reminded Josh not of regret but one of relief.

Josh sincerely felt sorry for these two. “You waited patiently until you saw an opportunity to get her out from under her family’s thumb.”

Melodie cleared her throat and inhaled haltingly. “Don’t, James. Please.”

Blanchard had obviously heard enough and knew that whatever unfolded now was a roll of the dice. He leaned and kissed her on the cheek. “It’s time, sweetheart. We’ve come to the end of the line.”

Tears gathered in her eyes. “I’m not worth it,” she whispered.

Blanchard’s blue eyes filled with tears. “You’re wrong, baby. You are worth everything to me.”

The detective turned his head to look at Josh. “I know we will both have to pay a heavy price, but I had no other choice.”

Josh shot a look at the one-way glass. “Go on.”

“You’re right, I did wait. Two, long years. Then Melodie called me in hysterics the other night. Her brother was dead and the senator had taken the naval officer. I knew with Capt. Reynolds involved, the NCIS would be, too. But I needed you, Commander, as well. I told Melodie to use Chandler’s phone and send Dixie the text to come downtown. Chandler had stalked her for years. She had motive to kill him and I used that to our advantage. Melodie brought me the murder weapon and I removed the serial numbers, then had her dump it in Saxton’s toilet, hoping like hell it would be found and NCIS would arrest her.”

This was all ringing true to Josh, so he didn’t interrupt.

“I convinced the senator to insert me into Dixie’s investigation. He didn’t want his son’s death to lead the cops to him

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