Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion #2) - Natasza Waters Page 0,113

ago with an update. They were leaving Melodie to stew for a while before asking her more questions. The hope was that she could carry on a normal conversation without her addiction commanding her attention.

Det. Dean’s text didn’t bode well for Dixie. He advised the serial number on the 9mm was unrecoverable, but it matched the weapon used to kill Chandler. CSI techs usually had great success with recovering serial numbers. Whomever had removed this one, knew what they were doing.

The niggling pinch in his gut was a sign he’d come to trust over the years. Perching his elbows on the desk and clasping his hands, he reviewed the facts.

What more could he do?

This had been the longest day of his life, and that was saying something, considering some of the missions he’d endured. The day had started with a smile and a huge exhale of relief. Dix had shared her secret, and he’d admitted he still loved her. They’d considered playing hooky. He’d made coffee, which she’d never gotten to drink.

The promise of a great day swiftly went sideways.

No way would he allow dark thoughts to impale their future. Doubt led to failure.

A notification popped up on the face of his cell. Josh swept his finger over the phone and entered his passcode.

“Hmmm.” An auto-message from the security system he’d installed in Dixie’s place warned the allotted cache was full and would he like to clear or save it?

Leaning back in the leather chair, he entered the password for the app and replayed this morning’s events. The system he’d bought for Dix costs a few dollars for good reason. It came with video and sound. He watched a few seconds of the police arresting Dixie, then fast-forwarded a short time to see the cops enter her home to search the residence.

Josh bolted up in his chair, stopped the video and replayed, zooming in on the cop who entered first.

A face he recognized.

While the police overturned her living room, the guy strode down the hallway to Dixie’s bedroom. Josh changed to the third camera view. He saw the man enter her bedroom, pause and scan the space. Seeming to find what he was looking for, he did a shoulder check and crossed the floor to the left side of her bed and picked up her purse.

Josh’s pulse began to tick faster as the guy unzipped the purse, reached in, retrieved Dixie’s pistol and stuffed it into the back of his pants.

“Son of a bitch!”

Josh quickly saved the file and ran for the stairs.


Lt. Manchester, Det. Dean, and Josh watched Melodie shuffle past with her head bowed. A guard gripped her upper right arm, escorting her to the interrogation room.

Standing in the hallway, Det. Dean said, “This is a gamble, Commander.”

Josh darted a look at Manchester. “Not if my theory is correct.”

Detective Blanchard strode down the hall and seared them with a look before entering the room. Apparently, Melodie’s attorney had been called to another case, but she’d agreed to talk if Blanchard stayed with her.

Dean and Manchester headed for the viewing room and Josh followed Blanchard into the interrogation room. He took a seat across the table from the fidgeting woman and the cop.

Blanchard’s expression reminded Josh of a determined boxer about to enter the ring.

The detective didn’t wait, but launched his argument. “Melodie did not murder her brother or Captain Reynolds. There’s zero evidence to support your case.”

Josh crossed his arms over his chest. “Not my case, Detective. I’m not law enforcement. What I can do, with your help, is finish what you started.” He paused. “Apparently, you have a stellar track record of bringing the guilty to justice. According to your sergeant, you’re incredibly intelligent. Someone who stands out from the rest.”

“What is your point, Commander?”

Josh leaned forward and clasped his hands on the faux wood tabletop. “I’m exactly where you want me to be.”

Melodie finally lifted her head and stared at him. Not unlike the people he’d rescued over the years, this woman was a hostage. Initially held by a father and a brother who should have protected her, versus abused her, then by her own hand, trying to ease the pain with drugs.

“I’m not following,” Blanchard responded.

Josh smiled. “Listen. Senator Kallis is on his way. He has three lawyers in tow and everything to lose. I think Melodie has sacrificed enough.” He paused and eyed the detective. “And so have you. So, before all of your hard work to save this woman goes down the drain,

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