Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,95

wants her to terminate the pregnancy, and then he wants to claim the child while in utero…which isn’t different from what Edward is doing. He doesn’t want our blueberry demon. He just wants to fuck with you.”

“In theory, I could sue him for threatening my rights to move and make a living,” I say, relaxing even more as I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

He shakes his head and kisses my nose. “So, you think that since the New York system learned their lesson it’ll be safe to move there for the remainder of the pregnancy.”

I nod.

“Let me handle the details,” he says, and I don’t pay much attention to him because Pierce finally texts me back.

Pierce: I remember this case. I agree with you. It’ll be best if you leave. You could move to New York or Seattle. I can defend you in either place. Neither one will demand you to go back to Colorado. If you need a plane, I’ll have one soon. Leave now.

Nyx: You think they’re going to do something, don’t you?

Pierce: They’ll try. Don’t let them. The sooner you leave Colorado the better.

“Babe, I’m going to walk Brock,” Nate announces. When I look up, I realize he changed his pajama bottoms. He’s wearing a pair of shorts, a sweatshirt, and tennis shoes. When did he change? “The plane should be ready to depart soon. I just texted Ford in case Persy wants to see you before we leave.”

“You don’t have to go. I know you and Ford have a lot to do tomorrow since it’s officially moving day,” I object.

“Our blueberry demon is more important than the move. He’ll understand. Demetri, your dad, and Eros can help him,” he argues, and walks toward me, brushing away the strands of hair covering my face. “Remember, you’re not alone. We are in this together.”

“I’m sorry, I feel like I’m complicating your life,” I say, trying to remind myself that it’s okay to let others help me.

He rubs my belly, places a kiss on it and then looks at me saying, “You two are worth it. So what if we have to stay put in New York? It doesn’t matter where we live. Home is just a place within us. For me, it’s become wherever you are. I can’t guarantee that this is going to be easy, but I’ll be by your side, and I’ll make sure that he doesn’t take away our baby.”

“I wish…”

“Me too,” he says, giving me a kiss. It’s longer than a peck but not too long that I lose myself inside him. “Get ready.”

“By the way,” I say before he leaves. “We can go to Seattle instead. It’s about choosing one of them, and we just go to the other place once a month.”

He nods and leaves with Brock.

I place a hand on my belly and whisper, “It’ll be fine. No one is taking you away from us.”



We choose Seattle. Nyx said she’d be okay moving to either place. Though she’s honest with me, I know she favors the house by the lake better than the penthouse. We live within an hour from her figuring out the best way to avoid a messy, yet illegal, custody battle.

To no surprise, Edward files for custody of the unborn baby. Since Nyx lives in Seattle, he files a second petition in the state of Washington demanding her to go back to Colorado.

Thankfully, Pierce is able to have the case dismissed in the state of Washington because the child isn’t born yet. He also sues Edward for endangering Nyx and the fetus because he tried to run roughshod over her rights.

Pierce’s suggestion that we don’t go to Colorado until the baby is born is now a prerogative. He knows they are waiting for Nyx to be served with an order from a judge to stay. It’s illegal, but Edward Bryant’s family has several judges in their pockets.

Nyx assures me that she’s fine, but I can feel the tension weighing her down. Her family comes to spend Thanksgiving with us. During dinner, Persy and Ford announce that they are planning on getting married at the end of the year, in the Maldives. They want something simple and family only.

I’m happy for my brother, but their news sits like lead at the bottom of my stomach. A month ago, I was about to tell the woman I love that I wanted to explore the possibilities of an us. I wish I could just propose to Nyx

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