Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,96

and say, fuck it Edward. We haven’t even sat down to talk about us. I can’t, and they are getting fucking married.

I hate the days when she retreats into her own world and ignores everyone—even me. My only consolation is that there are evenings when all we do is sit by the fire holding each other.

It’s understandable. She’s terrified of losing the baby. I am too. This wouldn’t be the first time I lose a child, and it’s killing me that I can’t even say that out loud because I’m literally nobody. Just her roommate. I can’t be more because what if they use our relationship against her. She’s preparing for the fight of her life, and I know that we’re there for her, but also that I can’t be too close because they can use me as ammunition.

I’m so fucking paranoid that I gifted her a phone with a Seattle number that we can use to communicate, just in case they subpoena her phone log and her texts. After dinner, we set up the seven-foot-tall tree we bought while we were shopping in New York. She thought it’d look perfect right next to the staircase. Her family helps decorate the tree.

“How is she doing?” Persy asks once Nyx goes to bed around nine. “She’s been too quiet.”

I blink and let out a loud breath. Quiet is an understatement. “She’s vocal when she’s on the phone with Pierce discussing a new approach to the custody.”

“It’s going to be okay,” she reassures me.

Raking my hair with my fingers I let out a breath. “See, that’s the problem. You can’t know until we have a judge reiterate that it’s going to be okay. That he won’t take her away. It’s so fucking painful to lose your kid. This…we can’t lose her.”

Persy smiles at me. “You really love them.”

I nod and don’t tell her all my fears because again, who the fuck am I to worry. But what if Nyx shuts the door between us because that’s what’s best for the baby. I’d lose both of them, and then what’s going to happen with me?

“You have no idea,” I claim. “They are my life.”

Ford squeezes my shoulder. “We have the resources, Nate. You’ll hire whoever we need to keep that baby safe with her family.”

“Maybe you should talk to Nyx,” Persy suggests. “Sometimes she needs space but others…you have to drag her out of her head, or she’ll drive herself crazy. Look, I totally understand that you’re trying to respect her, but how do you guys want her to remember her pregnancy?”

I could say something stupid like, we’re not together or this isn’t my baby. Except, I love this baby as if she’s mine, and Nyx has become my entire life. Persy is onto something. I gave Nyx four weeks to use her logic and come up with at least thirty solutions to the custody battle that won’t start until our baby is born.

“See you tomorrow morning,” I say, marching back into the house.

Eros is in the living room reading. He stares at me and says, “You owe me an explanation.”

“I don’t have time,” I announce without stopping to hear his nonsense.

“Nyx seemed happy with you, until she’s not,” he states.

I halt. “What does that mean?”

“Listen, I told you to stay away but forwent the warning when I realized she was finally being more herself and less like the tight ass woman she became when she started working for that firm. But today…fuck, it’s like dealing with a sad zombie.”

He’s right. Now I feel like a failure for letting this go too far.

“Good night, Eros.” I wave at him and head upstairs.

Instead of going to her room, I go to mine first to change my clothes. That’s when I find her on my bed. She wears one of my sweaters and Brock rests his head on her bump. I shut the door, put on a pair of pajama bottoms, and join her, pulling her body against mine.

“What’s happening?” I whisper.

She shakes her head.

“I get it,” I mumble. “The idea of losing her is frightening. You want to be ready to make sure he doesn’t take her away but…we can’t stop living while we’re waiting for the worst of the storm to arrive. We can still sing, dance, and get ready for her. Celebrate our baby.”

She turns around and snuggles herself closer to me. Her head rests against my chest.

“I miss this,” she says. “Spending the night in your arms.”

“Me too,” I confess.

I want

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