Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,94

stop time because I have an adult conversation scheduled. I’m dreading it, and not because I don’t want Nate and me to exchange the words that we’ve been harboring from one another.

I feel like I’m going to say, “Well, I love you, but…I’m in the middle of a legal battle.”

Pierce reminded me of something I’ve been thinking about since my bitter call with Edward. His family knows a lot of family judges, and with a good bribe, they can keep me in Colorado until the baby is born. In theory, the fetus can’t be treated like a child for the purpose of a custody battle. However, there’s a document I provided that reads the probability of paternity is 99.9999%.

My mind keeps running scenarios about my girl’s future all night, and around five in the morning, I get out of bed. I prepare myself some tea and turn on my computer, trying to find a good family lawyer in case I need one. I keep flipping back to the cases I worked on while working for Bryant, LLP. This feels like karma. All the mothers and fathers who relinquish the custody of their children because of me are claiming revenge. This is how I pay for the wrongdoing. I place a hand on my belly and send a prayer that my fears are unfounded.

“You’re awake,” Nate comes out of his bedroom and looks at the time on the microwave. “Wait. You slept through the night?

I frown and nod. “Yeah, I—did you notice all day yesterday I—”

“You didn’t get sick at all,” he confirms and smiles. Then he takes me in his arms and hugs me tight while twirling me around.

“Are you trying to make me sick?”

“No, I’m happy for you. However, I don’t have an excuse to sneak into your bed,” he confesses and sets me down.

He rests his forehead on mine and encircles his arms around my waist. “Are you ready to tell me what’s bothering you?”

I nod, and tell him everything, including the fact that I might get served with an order that won’t allow me to leave the state. He kisses my lips and says, “I won’t let that happen.”

Cupping his face, I sprinkle a few kisses along his jaw before I untangle myself from his grasp.

“They play dirty,” I inform him. “We—Pierce and I—have heard the rumors that their firm buys judges. Edward and his brother once confirmed it while they were drunk. I think that’s why Pierce focused on the part of the firm where he didn’t have to deal with his family as much.”

Nate runs a hand through his hair and asks. “How do I help?”

“I don’t know,” I whisper. “But that adult discussion has to be tabled until I am in a good place.”

“Can he actually force you to stay in the state?” he asks. “Is that even legal?”

I shake my head and start researching in case there’s a precedent.

That’s when I find a case that happened a few years back. A famous Olympic skier who fought for custody of the fetus. He lived in California; his ex moved to New York.

In theory, I have worked and lived in New York since August. Aldridge Enterprises and Merkel have been paying me. They have both the Seattle and New York addresses as my residence.

The best way to take away the power the Bryants have is by leaving today and not coming back until the custody of the baby is squared up in a court where they are looking out for the welfare of the baby and not because the Bryants are paying them to take away my kid.

Moving my laptop toward Nate I say, “Read this. I think I might have the answer.”

Nyx: Remember the custody case of the skier and the former marine?

Pierce: It’s six in the fucking morning. I am busy feeding the animals.

Nyx: I might have the answer to my problem. I’m texting you a link with the case. New York has precedent about a dad trying to use a fetus to fight for custody.

Nyx: Said dad is from California. They fucked up pretty bad therefore there’s something that will make it pretty clear for them to deny Edward’s request. I should be safe if I fly back there.

I drum my fingers against the counter while I wait for Pierce to text back. Nate’s eyes scan the screen. His frown deepens.

“What a tool,” he complains, pushing the laptop slightly. Then he places a hand on my belly and rubs it. “First, he

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