Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,9

I wanted to change the wording,” he asserts.

“Of course, he did. I’ll make sure to give zero fucks about it,” I respond almost snicker. “Have a good night.”

“But sir, Mr. Chadwick—”

“Should know better than to try to forbid me from making acquaintances,” I state and make my way to the kitchen where I prepare a platter with cheeses, antipasto, and some grapes. I grab a bottle of wine and two glasses.

Once I place everything on a tray, I make my way to the terrace. Nyx Brassard sits on one of the patio couches across from the fire pit, watching the horizon. She’s a beauty. I’ve seen her picture a few times. Most of them are of her next to her sister, Persy. My least favorite is her mug shot posted on the website of Bryant, LLP, the firm she’s worked for since she graduated from college.

Fuck, I sound like a stalker, but it’s not her I’ve been investigating; it’s her sister. She just happens to be around every time I pull information about Persephone Brassard. By now, I can tell them apart. Nyx’s nose is slimmer, her eyes bigger, and her eyelashes longer and thicker. She doesn’t smile as often. Her hair is almost always pulled into an elegant knot. Don’t get me wrong, she looks beautiful, but she looks way hotter when her wavy hair is down, gracing her bare shoulders.

Never have I thought I’d have the chance to be close to her. Not that I’ve been fantasizing about her. That’d be creepy, wouldn’t it?

You know what would be creepier? If you make a move and she ends up being part of the family.

That’s a true fact, just like the fact that if I do it, it’ll piss the fuck out of Ford, and we live to prank one another. Would this be going too far?

Explore the possibilities, I advise myself. There’s nothing wrong with trying, is there?

When I step closer, I notice Brock is on her lap. The asshole is already cozying up to her. There’s no doubt that he’s my dog.

“Brock, are you familiar enough with the lady to be sharing this lovely night with her?”

The damn mutt doesn’t care. He stays where he’s at and even makes that whiny noise he does when I’m petting him at night.

She turns around and smiles at me. “You must be Nate. I’m Nyx. We’ve spoken a few times over the phone.”

“Indeed, you are. I could never forget such a lovely voice,” I state, placing the platter I hold on the coffee table and reaching out to grab her hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

I lift her delicate hand guiding it to my mouth so I can kiss it.

“Enchanté,” I whisper.

The moment my lips touch her skin, there’s an electrical surge that zaps me, stopping my heart, even my breathing.

“Pleasure,” she whispers, and her raspy, sweet like honey voice restarts my entire body.

Fuck if this isn’t frightening and exhilarating. I think that cue card should be set on fire because we are about to get to know each other on so many levels she won’t be able to walk by tomorrow night.

“Would you like some wine, cheese, or we can get a table for two at Atla?” I offer. “I believe we could make this evening a lot more…interesting.”

She laughs pulling her hand away from my grasp. “Smooth. Demetri warned me about you.”

“Of course, he did,” I groan.

Showing her a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon I brought from my last trip to Paris I ask, “Wine?”

“Wine would be lovely, thank you.”

“I’d like to point out that not everything D says is true.”

“Well, he mentioned that you spoil your dog. Which is bad when he’s trying to educate him to be a civilized dog,” she states. “I’m pretty sure he’d send him to the equivalent of dog boarding school and away from you if that was a choice. You’re obviously a terrible influence on this honorable canine.”

I laugh as I uncork the bottle of wine. She tries not to join me and ends up coughing.

“And you said that with a straight face. I’m impressed,” I declare, pouring us some wine and handing her a glass. “You must be great at playing poker.”

“It’s part of my character. When you’re in the courtroom you have to look the part. If the jury, the opposition, or the judge get ahold of your emotions, you could lose the case. It’s almost like showing your hand during poker.”

“I assume you always win.”

“My law firm makes sure

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