Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,8

know and I’ll have someone from Nordstrom or Neiman Marcus come over to measure you and show you a few options.”

I blink a couple of times, startled by his offer. This is better than a trip to Disney World and I bet more expensive. The last time I went to those stores I left half of my savings in the hands of the evil personal shopper who kept handing me beautiful clothing.

“After you freshen up, come downstairs so I can show you the house,” he states. “Mr. Chadwick will be busy with Ms. Persephone for the remainder of the day. He wants you to be comfortable.”

“Thank you,” I state and stare at him as he leaves, closing the door behind him.

I change into a pair of jeans and my black halter top. I brush my hair, wash my face, and put my hair back into a bun. When I reach the main floor, a honey color, fluffy dog runs my way rubbing his head against my leg. I pet him behind his ears.

“Well, hello there,” I greet him.

“Brock, don’t upset our guests,” Demetri orders and gives me an apologetic smile. “He’s rambunctious, and his owner doesn’t believe in training him properly. No matter how much time I spend teaching him proper decorum, when Mr. Nathaniel is around, he lets him do as he wants.”

“He’s not upsetting me. On the contrary, I love animals,” I explain. “You’re just a happy pup, aren’t you?”


Demetri rolls his eyes but doesn’t say a word. He shows me the terrace, teaches me how to turn on the fire pit in case I need it later in the evening. He gives me a tour of the kitchen and the library, which is now empty. I wonder where my sister is, but I’m pretty sure I know what she’s doing.

When I spot Brock’s leash I ask, “Is it okay if I walk him?”

Brock wags his tail and jumps around me.

“We prefer not to say that word in front of him. He takes his walks seriously,” he warns me. “If you wish to take him out, you might want to stay on this side of the park. The bags to clean after him are attached to the leash handle. We’ll have dinner ready for you around six,” he states.

“Don’t worry about dinner,” I say. “This is New York. I’m pretty sure there are plenty of places where I can find something to eat while we stroll around the city.”

With that, I make my way toward the elevator. When we step inside, I say, “Maybe you’re what I need, a dog. Do you think Mr. Stuffy will mind if I kidnap you?”

He barks at me and wags his tail, and I wonder if he’s just as tired as I am of following rules and being just good enough for everyone.



Around nine o’clock at night, I arrive at the penthouse. This is why I hate traveling from the west coast to the east coast on weekdays. I lose about six hours and it leaves me restless. If my brother wasn’t preoccupied with his new girlfriend, I would persuade him to go out with me. We could have dinner or just hang out on the terrace with a couple of beers.

My other option is to head to a bar and just pick up a chick, but it’s Tuesday and I’m sure the selection of women is slim. Also, I’m over having one-night stands. As I said before, I’m too old for that nonsense. What I need is a fuck buddy. Someone who understands and shares my goals. All fun, zero emotions, and no messy endings.

“Mr. Chadwick,” Demetri greets me. “I was about to leave for the day. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“No, I’m just going to prepare a sandwich and go to the library to work. Where is Brock?”

“He’s on the terrace with Ms. Nyx,” he announces.

“Ms. Nyx?” I ask and smirk.

I forgot the guest Ford brought along with his girlfriend. I saw her briefly and from afar a few weeks ago at the Children’s Hospital in Denver while my brother and I were dropping off a donation. From what I saw, she’s gorgeous in an elegant, conservative, yet sexy way.

“Your brother is in his room with Ms. Persy. However, he left you an important message,” he states. He pulls out a cue card and sighs. “Stay the fuck away from her.”

“He made you write it?” I can’t contain the laughter.

“No. He wrote it himself, in case

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