Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,10

to pair newer lawyers with seasoned partners, so we can learn but also avoid any losses at all cost,” she answers. “When the senior partners think one of us is about to lose a case, they ‘add’ an extra lawyer with more experience to the team in charge. They only like winners and don’t take losses too well.”

“Time to open your own firm,” I suggest, not because she might lose a case, but because she sounds apathetic toward her employer.

It’s only a brief conversation. I don’t know her at all. However, I read people easily, and I get more information from their body language than the words that come out of their mouths.

She sighs and nods.

“You have a lovely view,” she changes the subject. Case closed. I’m not one of her people, and this isn’t up for discussion. “Demetri told me that you split your time between this place and the one in Seattle. Do you have a penthouse in some swanky neighborhood in the Pacific Northwest?”

This woman is good. I bet she’s great at getting a confession out of anyone. Even outside the courtroom, I’m sure she always gets people to talk. After all, she made Demetri spill information he’s not allowed to say. I wonder what else she got out of him.

“Nah, actually it is a house in Hunts Point, right by Lake Washington,” I inform her, not because I like people to know about my business, but because I want her to reciprocate my trust with information of her own. “Some days, I take a boat to work.”

She nods, “I’m impressed. You’re not exactly what I expected.”

I stare at her slightly shocked. This wasn’t something I anticipated.

“You had expectations?” I take off my jacket, lose my tie, and roll up my sleeves after taking off my cufflinks and placing them on the table. “Please, tell me more about them. I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.”

She laughs, staring at my forearms. Most likely trying to read my tattoos.

“Your brother is quiet. I thought you’d be less—”

“Forward?” I ask, reaching out for the bottle of wine, topping her glass, and then taking a seat next to her.

“Well, yeah. Plus, every time we’re on the phone, you’re an—”

Her long pause and the sparkle in her eyes tell me she wants to say, asshole, but she stops abruptly because that’s not her style. I don’t know her at all, but I bet she doesn’t cuss in front of strangers.

“Nothing personal, beautiful. This past Sunday, it was a business transaction. It was never against you, and it’s always about protecting my brother, our assets, or making a better deal than the one we are offered,” I explain. “I recall you being pretty cutthroat during our negotiations.”

She laughs, “It was pretty personal. You were trying to get a big chunk of the pie on a business my brother has been trying to build from the ground that will bring revenue but also give a lot to those in need.”

“I hate to lose. I’m sure you understand the concept.” I bow my head in reverence and drink some of the wine before conceding my defeat. “Which in this case you won. Maybe we should celebrate your triumph. As I just mentioned, we can get a table at any restaurant in the city. Just say the word.”

“Thank you, but I already ate,” she says with a smile that barely touches her eyes. “You should eat something.”

I take a grape and pop it in my mouth. “Nah, I’m good with this tray. I just want to make sure you are being taken care of.”

She studies me for several beats and then asks, “What’s your story, Nathaniel Chadwick?”


“Grump Next Door is a loner. What are you?”

“A wicked adrenaline junky. Businessman during the day, playboy at night, a kid with expensive toys during the weekends,” I respond the way I do with almost everyone.

That was me a year or two ago. Now, I skip the playboy shit and play harder in the finance field.

“Would you like to join my playground?” I tempt her, because with that body, that mouth, and that wit, I’d like to have a good time with her.

“Isn’t it a little early to place your cards on the table?” She waves her glass of wine, drinking it all and then asking for more. “We’re just getting to know each other.”

“You don’t seem like the kind of person who likes mind games,” I answer, pouring more wine. “All I have to offer you is unlimited dates

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