Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,11

with extreme outdoor activities, exotic locations, and out of this world sex.”

She licks her lips. “Direct. And here I thought you were a smooth operator with a lot of lip and too little game.”

“I might have been ten years ago,” I respond, stretching my hand and touching her knee. “Life is too short to pretend that I’m not attracted to you.”

She laughs and I stare at her seriously.

“Oh God, you’re serious.” She straightens herself, touching her collar bone. Those dark, beautiful eyes open wide.

“I never joke about my intentions, Nyx. There are three things you need to know about me. I never lie, I’m loyal to my friends and family, and I don’t change for anyone.”

“You forgot the part that you’re arrogant as fuck,” she states and yawns. “It’s been an informative night, but I guess it’s time for me to leave.”

“Too afraid to handle me?” I taunt her, and I can see she’s teetering on the other side of the line. One push and I can make her fall into my net. “I could go easy on you.”

“And he’s funny too, huh.” She glances at me. “The man isn’t just a pretty face. He can make women laugh.”

“But my favorite is making them scream,” I add, winking at her.

“Is that so?” her voice has a flirty tone to it. “So, it’s not all bark. You know how to bite.”

“I know my way, and I can make you reach places you can’t imagine,” I say, caressing her forearm with the back of my finger. “Unless you can’t take a man like me,” I challenge her.

“I eat guys like you for breakfast…after I make them eat me until I’m satisfied,” she states.

And now there’s no doubt this is the woman who should become my next playmate. I just have to find a way to convince her that we could be perfect.



Wow, I’m a great liar. Even I believed what I just said. In truth, I don’t eat guys like him for breakfast or have sex that often. The last guy I hooked up with was a few weeks ago. He was average at best. He wasn’t that memorable… my God, did I seriously sleep with Edward Bryant?

Nyx, forget about that oopsie moment and focus on the big bad wolf in front of you.

I’m no Little Red Riding Hood scared of his sharp teeth and big blue eyes, so of course I won’t back down. This guy can think that I have an active sex life just like him. I’m one of the best bullshitters in the legal business. I’ve never lost a case, and I’m not planning on losing this standoff with Nathaniel Chadwick. Best known as the hottest, most wanted, and unreachable playboy in the country.

His so fucking-sure-of-himself grin takes over his handsome face. “So, you want to eat me?” he asks with a deep, calm voice.

Well, yes, Nathaniel, I’d love it if we could eat each other. I could think of the many ways it could happen, including a perfect sixty-nine. I’d be happy to be the six to your nine—or to your ten if the rumors are correct.

His dark blue eyes lined with long, thick lashes stare at me, trying to command me to just submit. With any other guy I might be willing. Not with him. My sister is somewhere in this penthouse having passionate, delicious, hot sex with his brother.

Being with Nate seems a little depraved. But is it really?

This is what happens when you change your routine, Nyx. You should be back home, in Colorado.

Actually, more like at the office, working on my next case. Instead, I’m still in New York enjoying the company of a snuggly dog, his wicked owner, and a delicious glass of wine.

I’m in the presence of the infamous Nathaniel Chadwick. The playboy everyone loves—and desires. The pictures of him on the internet don’t do him any justice. Tousled dark brown hair that I bet he combed with his hand after a shower. Handsome is a weak word to describe this man. He has the kind of face that stops everyone in their tracks. The olive color of his skin makes his blue eyes pop. Those piercing eyes could make anyone weak at the knees. Broad shoulders, slim waist, and I bet under that suit there’re a lot of defined muscles that I’d love to touch.

It comes as no surprise that every woman in the world desires him. His proposal is tantalizing, but I have to pass. What would it be

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