Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,19


Once I’m out of the car, I look at my phone’s screen and there’s a text.

212-xxx-xxxx: I can’t believe you hung up on me. You’re scared of me, aren’t you?

It’s the same number that called my office. Eros is going to pay for this.

Nyx: No, I’m busy.

I add Nate’s number to my contacts.

Nate: :eye roll emoji:

Nyx: Some of us work on Fridays.

Nate: I never lie, and I also hate when people lie to me.

Nyx: The truth is I don’t have time to text. I need to find something for dinner, and I need to call my mom.

Nate: What kind of food are you in the mood for?

Nyx: I need to check the menus I have in my drawer.

Nate: You don’t cook?

Nyx: I do when I have time. My fridge is empty, and I’m starving. Not everyone has a Demetri to manage our household.

Nate: He does more than manage my house. I can let you borrow him if you need him. He gets bored sometimes.

Nyx: I’m not sure if you’re joking or you’re seriously offering to lend him out.

Nate: It’s a joke. He’d quit if I did something like that. Anything special that you don’t like to eat?

Nyx: I eat pretty much everything.

Nate: Any allergies that I should know about?

Nyx: You are weird, and none.

Nate: Okay, we’ll see what I can find you.

I stare at the phone suspiciously, but I don’t reply. What is he trying to find? I choose not to fixate on him and go on with my night. When in doubt, stay away from the playboy.



Instead of ordering food, I take a shower, blow dry my hair, and put on my pajamas. Nothing says I’m home better than a pair of lounge pants and a tank top. What would make this evening perfect would be a bottle of wine and something delicious for takeout. I skipped lunch, and the bagel I ate for breakfast is a fading memory.

Mom is right. I have to eat better and stop skipping meals. It’s just so hard to concentrate on work and keep track of what my body needs. I can only multitask so much. I walk toward the kitchen to search for the menus when my doorbell rings. Grabbing my phone, I check if Nate sent a text announcing that he ordered me food. There are no notifications. When I check who is at the door through the doorbell app, I see none other than Nathaniel Chadwick holding two brown paper bags. Also, he has my favorite guy with him.

Swinging the door open, I squat and greet him, “I missed you, Brocky!”

“He missed you too, and his name is Brock. As in Eddie Brock from Venom. Not Brocky,” Nate answers annoyed at my pet name for this handsome dog. “Though I have to say that we’re here because his new favorite word is Nyx and not w-a-l-k.”

“We’re best friends, aren’t we, Brock?” I scratch his belly. “You’re such a happy pup.”

“Lucky bastard,” Nate says and laughs. “He gets a greeting and a lot more attention than I do, and I’m the one who brought you food.”

“Thank you, Nate, for being so thoughtful. Not to sound rude, but why are you here?” I question, as Brock licks my hand playfully.

“I have a few things to discuss with Eros and the two love birds didn’t need a third wheel to keep them company. I decided to escape them and visit the Brassard siblings instead,” he explains.

“Is the new couple being disgustingly sweet?” I lift my gaze to take a good look at Nate.

Today he’s wearing a short sleeve navy blue t-shirt, a pair of washed jeans, and his tousled hair looks shorter than it was last week. He looks irresistible. It’s such a shame that I have to ignore him. It’s like staring at the most decadent dessert in the world, but he’s off limits.

“Ford and your sister are too…irritating,” he agrees, showing me the gifts he’s bearing. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah,” I say, standing up and leading Brock into the house.

“Nice place,” Nate says, as he follows me. “Cozy.”

“Why do I get the feeling that you’re calling my house small?”

“It’s the right size for you,” he counteracts. “I like the decorations. They are elegant and yet, you have a few antiques and artifacts around. You have a classy style.”

“Whenever you decide to redecorate your places let me know, I charge by the hour though,” I joke.

He smirks and shakes his head. “Don’t tempt me. I might use that as an excuse to

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