Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,18

states. “When we were drawing the contract to lease the penthouse to your sister, I checked the Bryant, LLP’s website where your direct line is listed. Since I don’t have your number it was easy to look this one up. We need to exchange information.”

I groan. “How can I help you, Nate?”

“Eros and I were planning our trip to Costa Rica,” he answers. “As his lawyer, we thought it would be wise to bring you along.”

“Have I mentioned that you are hilarious?” I ask and even laugh. “Hey, I need to leave, but it was great hearing from you. Bye.”

This should be a sign that I need to head home and stop practicing law on the side for my siblings—for free. While I gather my stuff, the phone rings. When I spot Nate’s number, I ignore it. We shouldn’t fraternize. He’s tempting, fun, and delicious. Just like cookies. If I’m strong enough to keep away from cookies, I’m strong enough to stay away from him.

When I get in my car, my cell rings. It’s my brother, Eros. This guy and I have to discuss boundaries. And talk about his future too. Like getting a new lawyer to help him with his business and keeping Nate away from me.

“What’s happening, big brother?”

“Are you joining us then?” he asks.

“Sorry, I feel like I missed half of the conversation. Give me a second,” I say, turning on the engine of the car and waiting for the phone to connect to the Bluetooth. “Okay, let’s try this again, but add context.”

“I’m organizing the trip to Costa Rica. Since you’re my lawyer I was hoping you’ll join us. Nate tried to call you about it, but he said you weren’t answering your phone.”

“Hmm, I don’t have any missed calls from him. Maybe he has the wrong number,” I say casually. “I don’t recall giving him my information”

“Not to worry, I just shared the contact info I have on my phone with him,” he answers proudly.

If I wasn’t driving, I’d smash my head against the wheel. Clearly, I have to have a word with Eros about Nate. Not today though.

“I’m swamped with work,” I announce wiggling my way out of this deal. I should call Pierce. He quit the practice a few months ago and moved to Oregon. He’s dealing with his family, but he might have time to deal with my brother and his new partner.

“Are we looking for an excuse, Nyxie?”

“No, I’ve been in and out of town for almost two months,” I remind him. “I have so much on my plate right now—”

“We could make it work. Before you try to dump me with one of your buddies, let me remind you that I only trust you.”

I sigh and say, “You’re going to have to text me or email me any details about your trip. We could connect through video conference while you’re down there. I’m going to be swamped at least until the second week of September. After that I might be able to go but…it’s unlikely.”

“It’s scheduled for the beginning of October. There’s a lot we have to set in place before we can fly out there,” he warns me. “I’ll be sending you some of the documentation as I receive it. Do you think we can have lunch tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow?” I ask, as I arrive home.

“Listen, according to Nate, Persy isn’t coming back for another week,” he announces. “It’s not like you have your bestie to find a good excuse to avoid me.”

I grunt because I know that lunch is going to include talking about his new company and Nate. I wanted to hang out with him this weekend, not work for him.

“I’m open all day, but I might go to check on our parents,” I state. If I drag Mom and Dad with us, I might avoid working for him all day.

“Perfect. I was thinking that we can go down to Conifer,” he suggests. “Ziplining is part of your bucket list.”

“Sounds—” On one hand, I’ve been meaning to do it, but on the other I’m not one to be daring, and that’s several feet above ground.

“Like torture, but I swear you’ll have fun,” Eros promises.

Unlike Persy who likes adventure, I prefer to stay as close to the ground as possible. I mean, what if the equipment fails and I get stuck? Or worse, what if I fall and die smashed onto the ground?

“We’ll pick you up at eight so we can have breakfast before heading to Conifer. See you tomorrow,

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