Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,17

to speak what we feel and talk about our limits. We’re without a doubt heading to the famous friend zone.”

“Ouch.” I wince

“It’ll be fun,” she assures me. “We could be each other’s wing-person since my wing woman is now otherwise occupied and happy with your brother.”

“But you see, with your busy schedule and my life I think we could make a deal that’ll benefit us both,” I propose. “Unlimited sex, no entanglements, and trips around the world when we find the time. It’ll be mutually exclusive.”

She gives me a sad, yet tender look that stirs something inside my chest. “Call me when you’re ready to be real and have a relationship that lasts more than twelve hours—or a weekend. I can find you someone who’ll be perfect for you then.”

“Not you?”

“No, because if I find the guy who’s buried under the pain your ex left, I’m afraid I’ll do something stupid like fall in love and end up with a broken heart,” she confesses, rises from her seat, and kisses my cheek. “I wish I could tell you it gets easier, but what you lost is bigger than just the love of your life. I’m sorry that happened.”

I want to know what she’d do if she found him, the guy Bronwyn destroyed. I’ve been looking for that asshole for five years and I can’t find him. What makes her think that she can reach out to him?

Actually, I believe that Bronwyn Davis killed him. Sadly, I couldn’t avenge his death because I can’t do anything to hurt Wyatt’s mother. He might not be mine by blood, but I’ll always love that kid more than anything in the world.



New York was informative, uneventful, and somehow relaxing. Most of all, I learned that I need a dog in my life. Brock is a sweetheart. If it wasn’t because Nate seems to adore him, I’d have tried to bring him home as a souvenir. Also, I had time to reconnect with my sister. For the last couple of months, I’ve been in and out of town. Other than texts and the daily phone call, we’ve barely had our sister time.

While Persy and I were around town visiting museums, shopping, and having fun, she didn’t post much on her social media the way she usually does. Her last three posts were called ‘hiatus.’ She’s recharging for her next chapter.

Having a boyfriend who hates being in the spotlight could be a deal breaker for an influencer, but not for my sister. She’s always known how to handle her social media presence and she already has a plan. I wasn’t sure about this relationship before, but after spending time with them, I know they’ll be together forever.

I’m not jealous of my sister, but the loneliness I’ve been feeling increases when I board the plane to fly back to Denver. Ford has work to do and Persy can stay with him for as long as she needs to. When I arrive home, I call Eros to check on him and Simon. Persy left him in charge of her feline child. He suggests I take the cat with me, but I remind him that Simon hates to be alone and I spend too much time at the office. He’s the best choice since he works from home.

As predicted, I spend the entire week at the office working on two different cases and helping one of the partners while he’s out of town. Sarah Bryant, my boss, hates when I ask for personal time off. When I do, she finds me crappy cases and assigns me extra work. Maybe Nate is right. It’s time to open my own firm or… There’s no other option. I’m too seasoned to start in a new firm and try to climb my way to the top.

It’s past seven at night, the sun is still shining, and I am ready to put in at least three more hours of work when the landline rings. I should let it go to voicemail, but what if it’s something important that can’t wait until Monday?

“Nyx Brassard’s office.”

“Predictable,” the husky male voice on the other side of the line says. “You should be home or partying. After all, it’s Friday evening.”

I stare at the New York number and guess, “Nathaniel Chadwick?”

“You like to say my name, don’t you?” he says with his flirty voice.

“How did you get this number?” I ask as I turn off my computer.

“Internet,” he answers with a simple word.

“Are you cyberstalking me?”

“Not exactly,” he

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