Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,20

spend more time with you. I have several places, including a villa in Portugal.”

Does he even enjoy everything he owns?

“You could’ve told me you were in town,” I say, changing the subject.

“And wait for you to find an excuse not to invite me for dinner?” He shakes his head and starts picking up the frames I have on top of the fireplace. “So, you and Persy look like your mom and Eros and the youngest Brassard look like your father. Interesting,” he states.

While he’s studying each picture I have, I set the bags on the counter and start taking the food containers out from one and the wine from the second.

“Do you have a bowl I can use for water?” he asks, pointing at Brock.

“Yes, they are in the top cupboard. Check the one next to the refrigerator,” I suggest while searching for the wine opener. “Do you need me to order some food from the pet store for him? They might be able to deliver it tomorrow morning.”

“He has plenty at Ford’s place, but thank you for offering,” he answers while filling the bowl with tap water.

“Is that where you’re staying?” I ask, opening the take-out containers with sushi, fried rice, and a variety of Chinese food he brought. “Are you planning on feeding an entire army?”

“No, Eros mentioned your favorites while I was ordering and I chose a few from them,” he replies, giving me that sly grin of his that threatens to melt my panties. “You might think my offer is off the table, but it’s there for you to grab it and…enjoy it.”

I laugh and shake my head. “You’re cute.”

He stares at me with disbelief and points at Brock. “He’s cute. I’m manly.”

“You can be whatever you want, Nate.” I stand on my tiptoes to reach for the wine glasses. I feel his hand searing my skin as he touches my waist. My stomach twists and a lustful heat spreads from my head all the way down to my toes.

When I move my gaze to where Nate towers over me, I meet his bright blue eyes looking down at me filled with desire. His mouth is open as he moves his gaze down to my body. The energy between us is palpable. My heart beats faster and harder. I want to throw caution to the wind and touch him, taste him, take what he’s offering.

That’s not me though.

Without saying a word, I break our connection. Taking a step back, I walk away from what could’ve been a big mistake.

“I’ll get that for you,” he stares at me intently. His eyes moving slowly from my face and down my chest. “You might want to change if you want me to behave. The tiny see-through top you’re wearing is giving me a lot of ideas that you might enjoy but…we can’t because I need you to be sure of what I’m offering.”

I look down and my face is on fire because of the embarrassment. He’s getting a good look at my bare chest.

“Damn it. I wasn’t expecting company,” I complain, heading to my room to grab a bra. I also put on a sweatshirt for the lack of chastity belts. Not that I need one. I can control my hormones.

“Well, this is a little extreme, isn’t it? Afraid I’ll take advantage of you?” he jokes, winking at me as I walk into the kitchen.

He has everything set up on the table. He even poured wine in the glasses.

“It’s taking me a lot of restraint not to make a pass. I promised myself not to pressure you,” he says as we take our seats.

“The answer is still no. We won’t become a thing,” I insist, wanting to cover my chest because he keeps looking at it even though I’m wearing a bulky sweatshirt. “Plus, I’m sure you like someone with bigger boobs.”

“I’m not planning on engaging in this conversation. That has trouble written all over it,” he concludes, splitting his wooden chopsticks and reaching for a piece of sushi. “What is it that you do on Fridays when you’re not with Persephone?”

“Work?” I answer, but it comes out more like a question. “I should still be at the office. Honestly, I left because you called, but I have a ton of things to do.”

“Tell me more about what you do,” he says.

As we eat, I tell him about my boss and what she usually does when I ask for personal time off. He listens and asks me about my

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