Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,14

appreciate the puppies of the world.”

“Goodnight, Nyxie.”

“Don’t let the bedbugs bite,” I answer, and she glances at her man saying, “I’m sure he’ll be doing the…biting.”

I sigh and wave at her. What would it be like to have those hazed eyes, hot boyfriend, and a promising future?



I can’t recall the last time I was in the same room with Ford working, and not just hanging out. For the past few years, we handle most of the business via text, phone calls, or video conferences. A month or so ago when he visited me in Seattle, he stayed home brooding and refused to work.

This Persy affair might be beneficial not only to him, but the company. Time will tell though.

“I miss this,” I tell him while I take a piece of nigiri, dip it in soy sauce, and put it in my mouth.

“Don’t you eat sushi often?” he asks, arching an eyebrow. “You order it with almost every meal.”

“No, idiot. Working like this,” I clarify. “We’ve gotten more done today than in the past couple of months.”

He glances at me unamused. “No.”

“I haven’t said anything,” I argue. “But you know we could launch the new software by January if we meet more often. I’m willing to fly to Denver too, if that’s what it takes to work with you in person. It’ll make my life easier. I understand that without you, LNCWare wouldn’t exist but…”

He looks at me and lets out a loud breath. “Give me time to get used to it, okay?”

“That’s all I am asking, that you open your horizons and start doing more for the company.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to also ask him for a break with his someday-to-be-sister-in-law. Fuck, I can’t believe that I’m saying that and accepting it. It’s pretty obvious that he’s in a serious relationship. I witnessed it last night. They are clearly a match made in… I’m not sure heaven is the right word.

They are total opposites. I doubt they have anything in common, and yet, they fit perfectly together. In all thirty some years of my life I’ve never seen my brother in love. Am I still afraid that this will end up in tragedy? Of course. Just because I understand this is the real deal, it doesn’t mean that it’ll stay like this forever.

Cynical? No, I like to call myself practical.

Now his love story is blocking my chances to have Nyx A. Brassard. If Ford hadn’t interrupted last night, I could’ve convinced her to give me at least this weekend. What a fucking joke. I have a hot, smart, available woman sleeping under my roof, and I can’t have her. The obstacles are making her more desirable.

“So…the sister?”

“…is off limits,” he responds with a warning voice. “Who you want to hook up with is none of my business, but stay away from her. Listen, I’m not judging you. It’d be hypocritical of me. I was there a few months ago. Except, this is Persy’s sister who we are talking about. They are close, like you and me. It’ll be fucking awkward if you make a move and things go wrong. You could even break up my own relationship.”

“You’re exaggerating,” I debate. “You’ll probably have a fight or some disagreement, but if she loves you…”

He points at me, “I swear Nate, if you do something stupid...”

I glare at him, waiting for him to threaten me. He’s been pissing me off since yesterday with his attitude.

He exhales and says, “Please, I never ask you for anything.”

“Really?” I give him a challenging glance. “I’ve been running this fucking company by myself because you can’t stand to deal with people. Not just in the company, but in your life. I won’t pursue her, but if it happens, it’s between Nyx and me. She seems old enough to take care of herself.”

He shakes his head. “Let’s get back to work. You just pissed me off.”

“Because it’s so hard, isn’t it sunshine?” I tease him, gathering the trash and tossing it in the can.

“Why her? When you can have any other woman?” he asks.

I freeze for a moment as I replay his unexpected question. Why her? Taking a deep breath, I step closer to the floor-to-ceiling window overlooking Park Avenue. There’s an inexplicable attraction between us. I want to get to know her—not only her body. She’s a challenge.

None of those answers seem to be like something I want to share with my brother. At least, not yet.

“She’s smart. She’s a career woman. And

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