Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,15

she’s gorgeous,” I explain. “She’s perfect.”

“Perfect how?” His voice lost the edge and has a curious tone. “You can find one just like her here in New York.”

I turn around. He’s still seated on the leather couch grimacing at me with a pinched expression.

“Which is convenient because with her busy schedule and my busy life we can see each other once a month. No feelings, messy entanglements, or regrets,” I explain. “If either one of us doesn’t want to see the other again, no one will lose any sleep.”

That’s a perfectly great explanation. It sounds like something I would do, but as I say the words I’m wondering if I mean them. Do I only want something superficial with her or…? The or kept me awake last night, and I’ve been thinking of her all day long. The breathless moments I shared with her weren’t enough. I want to spend more time with her. At the same time, I know there’s no point in pursuing this…

This attraction that has my heart throbbing just with the memory of her raspy voice and her sweet scent.

He shakes his head. “And I thought I was fucked up,” he states.

“I’m also practical,” I state, but really, deep down, not even I believe that Nyx and I could keep things casual.

Taking a breath, he raises from his seat and says, “We have a meeting in the conference room. Do whatever the fuck you want. I hope Nyx is smart enough to stay away.”

Ford leaves the office around six. I stay until eight, and when I arrive home, Nyx is on the terrace with Brock.

“Good evening, Nyx,” I greet her. “Why are you here and not bar hopping?”

She turns around and smiles at me when she sees me. Her dark wavy hair is down, framing her gorgeous face. She tucks a strand behind her ear before saying, “You’re confusing me with someone else.”

“No, that’s called sarcasm,” I state, taking off my suit jacket. “Would you like some wine tonight?”

“I’m not supposed to fraternize with you,” she answers.

I smirk, pull a chair from the dining table I have on the terrace, and drag it close to where she sits. I set it down, the back of it facing her and mount the chair. “This has to be good. What did Ford say about me?”

“It was my sister,” she corrects me. “She’s concerned that you’re too emotionally immature to sustain a romantic relationship, and if you hurt me it’ll be awkward.”

I nod. “Seems like our siblings don’t trust our maturity, do they?” I text Demetri, asking to bring some wine to the terrace. “I find it refreshing that they’re both sure about their future.”

“We discussed it yesterday. Persy likes long-lasting relationships. As disgusting as it sounds, it seems like they love each other enough to believe that they’ll have to split holidays between us if we…do something stupid and can’t stand to be in the same room.”

“Because we wouldn’t last? They have so little faith in us.”

She tosses her head back and laughs at me.

I wish I could say something but that’s when Demetri arrives with a bottle of wine, and the two glasses on the tray are already filled. He hands one glass to Nyx and another one to me. He sets the tray on the coffee table.

“Thank you, D,” I say as he leaves the room.

She sips from her glass, then licks her full lips. Her warm, dark eyes stare at me. My skin hums with need for some human touch—her touch to be exact.

“We could have something amazing,” I bring back the conversation.

Her face hardens. She tilts her head to the side. Her inquisitive eyes stare at me. “Have you ever had a long-lasting relationship?”

“Have you?” I retort.

“You first.” She narrows her eyes further.

“Her name was Bronwyn. We met when I was twenty-eight. The offices of LNCWare used to be in the financial district. It was before we started branching into other sectors,” I explain, remembering the first time I saw her. She was tall, caramel-honey hair with warm amber eyes that sometimes turned a yellow tone in the sun.

I pinch the bridge of my nose because it’s been a long while since the last time I thought about our first encounter. The memories that remain in my heart are too painful to remember the good times we shared. We were at a coffee shop. I was picking up my order when she tripped on something and almost fell. I reached out to catch her

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