Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,13

are still together, you should come over,” he invites me. “Unless…your boyfriend is the one who brings you.”

“You’re just generalizing and watching my reactions.” His mischievous eyes stare at me, waiting for my next move or my next statement. “I’m single because I spend most of my time working, and I’m an avid subscriber to Worst-Dates-R-Us.”

He laughs, “What is that?”

I’m sure a guy like him wouldn’t understand my life. He can pick and choose who he goes out with, and I bet none of the women he dates disappoint him. He has unlimited amounts of sex—good sex. The only way I’ve been getting off is with the help of the sex toys my sister recommends. Another perk of having Persy as a sister, she’s a sexologist and knows the best and latest available gadgets for couples, and for us spinsters.

Not that I am one, but sometimes I feel like I’m going to die alone, and I don’t even have a cat. I don’t have time for a pet.

“It’s an imaginary place that provides me with the worst dates that a human being can experience,” I say, sighing.

“How bad can they be?”

“Let me count the ways, Skippy,” I answer, showing him one finger. “There’s the one with the guy who brought me to his parents’ home and our dinner was leftovers. His father is now a client of mine.”

He laughs. “Was he fifteen?”

“No, almost forty. He lives in his parents’ basement,” I answer and then show him a second finger.

“You get your dates at losers-are-us,” he concludes before I can tell him about my latest loser adventure.

“Most likely,” I agree. “At least my sisters can say that they have steady relationships that don’t work out. Mine don’t go past the second or third date if I’m lucky.”

“Nothing against your sisters, but maybe you’re the smartest of the three,” he says reassuringly.

“Flattery won’t get you anywhere, Mr. Chadwick.”

“I don’t know you or your sisters, but here’s what I’m thinking,” he says with a serious voice. “Persy is a psychologist. She probably has to stay in the relationship at least until she can prove that she couldn’t salvage it. Call it determination, resolve, or plain stubbornness. I only know your younger sister by picture. Without more information I can’t guess why she has more long-lasting relationships than you. You are different. If you don’t see potential, you walk away because you don’t have time for nonsense.”

“I…” I want to fight him, but he’s right, so I nod in agreement.

“You know what you need?”

“A loser radar,” I guess.

“No, a guy like me,” he says haughtily. “You have a busy schedule, but I bet you can get away for a weekend. Guys like me know how to have a good time in and outside the bedroom. Just think about it. I can fly you wherever and whenever you want.”

“Give it a rest,” I hear a male voice, and when I turn toward the penthouse, I spot Ford and Persy walking toward us. “What part of ‘stay the fuck away’ didn’t you understand?”

“Oh great, two men about to show who has the bigger dick,” I mumble, standing up from the couch and stretching. “Such an innovative concept. If you guys don’t mind, I’m heading to my room.”

“You okay?” Persy asks as I walk by her.

“Not as great as you. That dreamy face tells me that you’ve been having a lot of naughty fun. Though, I have to ask, is everything okay with…?” I trail my gaze to Ford who is now talking in hushed voices with Nate.

“Perfect,” she answers. “He just told me that if you need to leave for Denver earlier, he can fly you.”

“I might take that invitation if you’re certain that you are okay,” I question, expecting her to blink if he’s keeping her hostage.

“More than okay,” she reassures me. “Though, I’d rather you stay. There’s nothing better than having my favorite sister around. If you want, we can go around the city, do some touristy things. Ford is going to be working all week. We haven’t had sister time in forever.”

“Sounds like we can be Thelma & Louise in the City,” I joke, giving her a hug. “I’m heading to bed, but let’s kick off the day tomorrow morning with a walk around the park. We can take Brock. He’s a great dog.”

She scrunches her nose. “I’m not a dog person.”

“You are. You just don’t know it,” I argue. “Just because one bit you as a kid… Time to move on and

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