A Demon's Harmony - E.C. Land Page 0,9

next to me and panic started almost immediately. I’ve woken up every morning with Tanner’s arm wrapped around me and my mind started to come up with every single scenario possible within a matter of minutes.

Now sitting at my desk listening to the guys play in the recording booth, I can’t help but feel defeated.

That’s because your man has been handling you with kid gloves instead of how he really should.

God even my libido knows he’s not being himself.

What did I do for him to treat me this way? He all but forced me into giving the two of us a chance and then it was like overnight he’d decided I was fragile or something and didn’t want to do anything to upset me or even act like himself around me.

“Let’s try the new song Tanner showed us this morning.” Chaz’s voice brings me out of my head.

Tanner wrote a song?

“We ain’t gotta do it today,” Tanner says.

Glancing in their direction, I can see the thin line of Tanner’s mouth as he stares toward the window to where my desk is sitting.

Does he not want me to hear the song?

“Nah man it’s good. Let’s try it out,” Lex says.

Tanner doesn’t respond to Lex as he stares at me. Like he was trying to figure something out.

“I’ve gotta agree. The song’s fuckin’ epic,” Hunter grins.

“Yeah man. Why don’t you want to do it right now?” Chaz asks.

Because of me. Tanner doesn’t want me here. He doesn’t want me to hear it.

Since I started staying at the house with everyone, they didn’t seem to have a problem with it. Honestly Chaz, Lex, and Hunter had laughed yelling out ‘Finally’ at the top of their lungs.

Sighing, I gather my things to leave. I’m done for the day anyway. I was mainly sticking around because their music is soothing to me. As I get up and leave my desk, I divert my gaze. I don’t need him to see he’s hurt me yet again.

I knew this would happen.

Knock it off, you don’t know what’s going on.

Doesn’t matter he doesn’t really want me. Otherwise he’d have kissed me again.

If you want him to kiss you make the first fuckin’ move, damnit.

What am I supposed to do just walk right up to him and jump his bones like a horny teenager?

Damn right, then let him fuck you and clear out the webs. Wait, before you do that, go get a freak wax first.

Internally groaning I head out of the shop without even saying bye to Bethany while I have the most embarrassing argument with myself in my head. God knows my libido has a mind of its own. Too bad it’s right about one thing. I could use a wax. I’ve always wanted to try it but never seem to get around to it. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen any action down there.

More like since you were nineteen.

Shut up.

Not until you finally give in and fuck your husband’s brains out. If you feel he’s treating you with kid gloves make him take them off. Show him the woman you are and stop acting like a damn insecure teenager.


You know I’m right.

Damnit stupid libido. Why can’t BOB suffice anymore?

Climbing into my car, I start the engine and put it in gear. As I pull away from the curb, I head in the direction of my friend Emerson’s hair salon. Maybe a new look will help. I could probably find out a good recommendation for someone who does waxes and such from her or Nora. It seems those two always know who’s the best at what, but no one is as good at styling and coloring hair as them.

It doesn’t take me long to get to the salon. Shit in this small town it doesn’t take long to get anywhere around here.

As I park my car, my phone starts to go off. Grabbing it, I glance at the screen to see it’s none other than Tanner calling me.


Hitting a button on the side of the phone, I silence the call. I don’t intend to talk to him right now. Or until I’m ready.

For once I’m going to listen to my libido and heart over my head.


Oh, shut up.


I must seriously be going nuts right now to keep having these internal arguments in my head.

Shaking my head, I put my phone in my bag and get out of the car. My phone vibrates again in my purse, but I don’t bother pulling it out. I know

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