A Demon's Harmony - E.C. Land Page 0,8


Hell, we even have a dining room we never use. However, that’s supposedly changing this year thanks to Bethany. She’d informed the four of us, this year we would be doing Thanksgiving and Christmas properly. Whatever that meant. I don’t care as long as it means good food. I could care less about the holidays. It’s not like I really celebrated them. When you can barely afford to get food to put on the table you learn quickly that Santa doesn’t exist.

“I think it’s the best damn idea I’ve had in almost six years. I’m tired of waiting for you to come to your senses. Like I said earlier, we’re doing this, Alexis. You know deep down we fit together. Always have,” I rasp, tilting my head down to press my forehead to hers.

“But . . .”

“No buts baby just feel it. For once let your heart take the lead over your head.”

“Tanner.” Alexis’ voice trembles and tears well in her eyes. I know she’s scared but it’s time we fix this between us.

“I’m not saying we just hop back in the sack and fuck each other’s brains out. All I want right now is for us to be able to sleep in the same bed together.” My dick would protest right now if he had a voice. I’m not going to push Alexis for more than she’s already giving me. I’ll know when she’s ready to go further.

“Okay but only to sleep,” she whispers, meeting my gaze.

Releasing her from my hold, I nudge her toward her clothes so she could get comfortable while I got dinner ready for us. A picnic in bed sounds good to me. Spreading out an extra blanket on top of my comforter, I pull out all the containers she had in the bag.

Holy shit she got enough food to feed an army.

Well at least the two of us. I could eat all of this myself in one sitting if it were just me. But Alexis. There is no way in hell she could eat all of this by herself.

By the time she comes out of the closet, I have all the food set up. Glancing up at her, my dick stiffens instantly. Standing in a tank top, no bra, and some short as fuck shorts Alexis is a vision of any man’s wet dreams. Shit this is what I envision when I jack off only it’s way fuckin’ better in person.

“Dinner’s all set. How about we watch a movie together?” I suggest after clearing my throat.

“Sounds good. What movie do you have in mind?” she asks.

“Speed,” I grin, naming her all-time favorite movie. With Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. I’d been surprised when we’d watched it the first time together. Alexis had snuggled into me and stayed that way throughout the entire movie. She laughed when the bus jumped the fifty feet on the freeway. She didn’t care how fake that shit really was.

Alexis gives me the biggest smile and nods her head. “That sounds good to me. Do you have anything to drink in here to go with the food?” she asks.

“Yep,” I nod my head in the direction of the mini fridge I keep in here for when I’m too lazy to leave my room. “Go ahead and grab yourself something to drink.”

“Do you want anything?”

“Water would be good,” I answer her question as I climb up on the bed to sit there and wait for her.

This is a good start to hopefully gaining harmony back in my life.

Chapter 5


Over the past week I’ve felt like my world was being tilted upside down. From the evening Tanner moved all my things into his part of the guys’ home to today it’s gone from moments of pure bliss to me wanting to strangle the man.

Why the hell he’s so damned determined to make this work between us I have no clue. It’s as if he’s trying so hard to make sure I don’t leave him that he’s not being himself around me. That’s not the Tanner I’ve ever wanted. I love the man for who he is, and I’ll never stop. It’s just that my heart has never healed from when it was shattered.

I still have nightmares of seeing Tanner making out with that slut. He’d tried to explain it was a setup, but I refuse to listen to excuses.

Has he changed? Or has he learned to keep his private life more lowkey?

This morning when I’d woken up Tanner hadn’t been in bed

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