A Demon's Harmony - E.C. Land Page 0,10

who it is and right now he’ll just have to wait.

Opening the door to the salon, I’m met by squeals from both women.

“It’s about damn time you came to see me woman,” Nora yells in excitement.

“I thought I was going to have to get Hades to come kidnap you,” Emerson says, grinning.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it. I’ve been distant recently,” I laugh, holding my hands up in surrender.

These two women aren’t just women I know, they’re the only other women I’m friends with.

“Where’s Lori?” Emerson asks.

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen her in over a week,” I shrug.

“Wait a minute. Are you sick or something? I’ve never seen you without her,” Nora says, her brow furrowed. She’s never liked Lori. Not many people do. Her and Emerson pretty much put up with her because of me.

“No, I’m not sick. Just finally opened my eyes I guess you can say.” I mutter.

“Well it’s about time you got rid of the bitch,” Emerson states, pulling her hair up into a messy bun. “Now what can I do for you today? I know you didn’t just come in here in the middle of the day for no reason.”

“I was wondering if you had time to do the works for me. Oh, and do you know anyone who does waxes?” I blurt out before I can stop myself.

Giggles from both of them fill the room.

“Look no further babe, we got you here. We’ll take good care of all your needs. Now come on over here and give us the skinny on who all this is for,” Nora smiles.

“Please tell me you’re doing this to finally get Tanner to fuck your brains out,” Emerson demands.

“Kill me now,” I grumble as I sit in the chair by Nora. “What if it was for me? Maybe I just needed a change.”

“I’d call bullshit,” Nora says instantly.

“You never change anything. Not even when we demand you let us,” Emerson snarks the truth.

“Fine okay, yes you're right,” I say going into detail of everything that’s happened in the last week including deciding to cut ties with Lori and Tanner moving me in with him without me knowing. By the time I’m finished both women are wearing shit eating grins on their faces.

“Wow. Okay. Let me get set. Prepare yourself babe you’re about to become a whole new woman,” Emerson says as she comes to stand beside Nora who turns my chair to face the mirror.

Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes for a brief moment. Here goes nothing. New changes bring on a new confident me.

At least, I hope.

Chapter 6


“Damnit, Tan, what the hell? Why didn’t you want her to hear the song? I mean fuck the song’s for her,” Lex mutters after Alexis all but ran out.

“I wanted the song to be a surprise. Her birthday’s coming up and I didn’t know what to get for her. That’s why I wrote the song and didn’t want her to hear it until then. I wanted her to have something special. Fuck, she’s probably got some bullshit running through her head now,” I grumble, irritated my brothers would let the cat out of the bag. Then again, I didn’t tell them the song I’d written was supposed to be a surprise.

“Dude you should have told us it was for her birthday. I’d have kept my mouth shut. Sorry man,” Chaz sighs.

“It’s all good. I’ll fix shit with her. Let’s break for a few so I can call her before she goes and does something stupid,” I say, lifting the strap for my bass over my head and putting it on its stand.

“Sounds good, I’m gonna go see if maybe I can convince Fairy girl to sing something with us,” Chaz chuckles.

Damn he’s been like a whole new person since he finally accepted his feelings for Bethany, and they’ve moved forward. The day Bethany was kidnapped, and he’d been shot, we all thought he wouldn’t make it. But someone had to be looking out for him, because sure enough he survived and was determined to find his girl.

I couldn’t ask for a better woman for Chaz. She has this light around her that makes anyone close to her want to smile. She’s become like a little sister to me and I’d do anything for her. Well almost anything, I refuse to allow her to touch my bass. That’s not about to happen. Not in a million years.

She can touch any other instrument except that.

My bass is the first instrument

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