Deception Deception (Dark Desires Origins #2) - Nina Croft Page 0,51

tightened, pressing against the material of her jumpsuit.

The pressure eased as he lowered the zipper, freeing her breasts and for a moment he stared down at her, his gaze hot, intent. He parted the material and she felt the air on her bare skin, her nipples tightening further until they were hard little peaks. He kissed first one, then the other, and her spine arched as pleasure shot through her.

He stroked one with his tongue and then sucked it into his mouth and suckled her, and it was better than she had ever imagined. She needed him, his big hands on her and she writhed beneath him, trying to get closer, to show him what she needed.

He bit down on the taut peak, then soothed it with his tongue.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured, one hand cupping her breast, framing it for his kisses.

He lowered the zipper farther, kissing her belly, and she went still. She suspected where he was heading and didn’t want to do anything to stop him. Nothing. She even stopped breathing. The pressure was building and building inside her. She was hovering on the edge of her first ever orgasm. Just a little more. A whimper escaped her lips.

“Am I interrupting?” A voice spoke from above them and Milo stopped his kisses. He rested his forehead against her belly for a long moment. Then he raised his head.

“Fucking goddamn Dylan,” he snarled.

She wanted to scream in denial, but he was already pulling away from her.

Chapter Twenty-One

“Every man has a devouring passion in his heart, as every fruit has its worm.”

—Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

Her face was flushed, her eyes wide. She’d been so close; he’d felt the tension building inside her. He’d wanted to give her that pleasure. Maybe he should just tell Dylan to fuck off.

But the moment had passed.

Saved by the werewolf.

What had happened to “just friends”?

He’d told himself he could do friends. Just keep his dick in his pants and his hands and mouth to himself and they should be okay. All he had to do was avoid temptation. That hadn’t worked as planned.

There had been a lot of women over the years. He liked women, they liked him, but he never stayed with the same one for long or allowed them to get close. And he was always clear up front and told them there was no chance of more. He didn’t do relationships.

Just as he’d told Destiny.

Relationships always ended badly.

Except Destiny was different. He had no clue why, but she tugged at something deep inside him that he’d thought shut away forever. And that was so not good.

She was right, soon he would leave—he had to. There was no way he could stay on Trakis Four with Luther Kinross and the Church stirring up all the old prejudices. He didn’t want to hide any longer.

And Destiny would stay because she had a duty to do. He knew all about people he cared about and duty. It always came first. His mother’s had been revenge, and she’d left him to follow that course even though she had known it would mean her death. Maria’s duty had been her God and saving Milo’s soul.

So no, he wouldn’t allow himself to care. And he’d make sure Destiny didn’t care, either.

But his dick ached, and he stayed where he was while he got his unruly body under control. Finally he rolled off her and onto his back.

They were at the bottom of the small bank where he’d pushed her when he’d identified the drone.

Had they been seen? He didn’t think so. There had been no pause in the drone’s speed or direction. If it had picked them up, it would have come in closer for a better visual.

He sat up, hands resting on his knees, breathing deeply, while he decided whether to rip the werewolf’s throat out. Beside him, Destiny was tugging the sides of her jumpsuit together, pulling up the zipper with fingers that trembled slightly.

“You want me to go away again?” Dylan asked.

Yes. “No.”

He blew out his breath, then got to his feet and held out a hand to Destiny. Her lower lip quivered, but she placed her palm in his and he pulled her to her feet. Her nipples were clearly visible against the thin material of her jumpsuit and he could almost scent her desire on the air.

She ran her hands down her sides and cleared her throat. Licked her lips and heat shot through him—was she doing it Copyright 2016 - 2024