Deception Deception (Dark Desires Origins #2) - Nina Croft Page 0,52

on purpose? Just what had she been reading? He was so fucked.

“I came to warn you there are drones in the area,” Dylan said, and pushed his hands into his pockets as he glanced between the two of them.

“I know. We spotted one.” He waved his free hand around the area. “Hence the hiding place.”

Dylan smirked. “Ahh. So that’s what you were doing down there. Hiding from the drone?”

Milo tugged her up the bank. She still hadn’t said a word. “We’d better get back to the tunnels.” She was hardly inconspicuous in that bright yellow outfit. They should get her some different clothes.

He held her hand all the way back, as though she might vanish. They’d sent hunting drones to find her. They must really want her back. And he wasn’t quite ready to let her go.

She wanted sex.

Stop thinking with your dick!

Even from the short conversation they’d had tonight—before they’d gotten sidetracked—he could see that she had changed beyond belief from the woman they had taken from the cell. All her life, she’d been kept in total ignorance of the world around her, denied any normal human interaction. Now reading had opened her world and she was soaking up all the vicarious experiences and rebuilding her world almost from scratch. Dr. Yang had a lot to answer for.

They headed back to the spaceship. The suns had gone down. Dylan led them through the dark forest, though he looked back once or twice, his gaze resting on where Milo still held her hand. Destiny was quiet, and when they reached the bridge, she tugged free of his hold and sat in the pilot’s seat, then loaded her new books onto her ereader and was soon engrossed. Or at least pretended to be.

He stood at the back with Dylan. They needed to talk, and he didn’t want Destiny to hear.

“The drone had to be looking for her,” Dylan said. “They clearly want her back. But what for? I don’t get it.”

“Neither do I. We could ask some questions, but that might alert them to the fact that we know of Destiny’s existence.”

But maybe he could somehow get the information from Dr. Yang. He could tell her that he had news about her family. That he could get them awakened and brought here—which would of course be a lie, but he didn’t feel as though he owed that bitch anything.

First, he needed to find out what was beneath Camelot. If there were weapons that could be a threat to Trakis Two, then they needed to work out a plan to destroy them and get the hell away from here.

“But perhaps it could work in our favor,” Dylan said. “We could use her as a trade if things get iffy and we need to make a fast getaway.”

Milo bit back his instinctive response, which was no way. After all, Destiny had already told him that she planned to go back. That she planned to perform her mysterious duty. And to hell with him. A familiar wave of bitterness washed over him. “Maybe,” was all he said.

“In the meantime, I’ll fix her up a locator device that will give some warning if there are drones anywhere near. I’ll come back with you now, pick up some stuff from the shuttle, and bring it back tonight. Otherwise she’ll be stuck in the tunnels.”

Dylan was being…kind. Not a trait you expected from an alpha werewolf. “You like her, don’t you?”

He shrugged. “And what about you? You hardly strike me as the hand-holding type. It’s sweet really, but perhaps you need to keep a little distance.”

No point in arguing with that, so he didn’t answer at all. “We need to go.”

He headed back to where Destiny sat, her head stuck in her ereader. She didn’t even look up as he came to a halt in front of her, just stared at the screen, her lower lip caught between her teeth. Playing hard to get. He was going to start vetting her reading material. But he was finding this new emerging Destiny too intriguing. He cleared his throat and heard Dylan laugh behind him. She glanced up, eyes widening. “Yes?”

“We have to leave.”

“Okay.” She turned her attention back to her book. She was clearly not happy with him. Hell, he wasn’t happy with himself.

As he turned to go, she jumped to her feet and reached out a hand and rested it on his arm. “Be careful, Milo. Those men have guns.” She turned to Dylan. “And you look Copyright 2016 - 2024