Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,61

to that thick, slightly curved piece of flesh.

“Clothes off, and then I want you on your knees next to the bed.”

I was tempted to make a smart remark about how it’d been pointless to put me on the bed if I was just going to be on my knees on the floor, but this power dynamic between Bradyn and myself was a new thing for me. We were still feeling things out.

One of the lessons the different rooms at Club Privé had taught me was that, when it came to floors, a carpet might be soft, but you’d probably end up with rugburn. Or it could be like this floor, hard but smooth. It all depended on the type of pain you either wanted to receive or wanted to inflict. I’d used both kinds for myself – knees on either side of a sub’s head for oral – and for my subs – a variety of positions and reasons.

The bed was at a perfect height for me to bend at the waist and lay my upper body flat across it. The feel of the slightly scratchy blanket against my nipples made me shiver, and I wondered if Bradyn had bought it for that reason or if it was just an added benefit. Thinking about why he’d bought it made me wonder how many women he’d brought in here, which wasn’t what I wanted to be thinking about right now.

Then his hand was on my back, sliding down the length of my spine to my ass. He lightly smacked one cheek and then ran a finger between them. When he brushed over my anus, I inhaled sharply, and he stopped.

“You remember your safe words?”

I nodded.


I didn’t have to ask what he meant. If I used my safe word, he’d stop. If I didn’t, then he’d continue with whatever he had planned.

“I have a toy I’m going to use,” he said as the tip of his finger rubbed over that muscle. “It’s only a little bigger than my finger, and it’ll slide in there nice and easy.”

When he pushed the tip of his finger inside, I made a whimpering sound that I would’ve hated if I hadn’t been so caught up in what he was saying.

“Once that’s inside your ass, I’m going to fuck your pussy.”


“Yellow.” The word came out before the memory could surface and that alone was enough to hold back any fear. He knew to be careful, to listen for the word to make him stop.

“Nice and slow, firebird.” His finger came out, and I heard a familiar sound that was easy enough to place, even before the cold trickle of lube hit my skin. One hand settled at the small of my back with just enough pressure to let me know that I wasn’t supposed to move…but if I did, he’d stop me.

“You’re going to take my finger first.”

He did it slowly but didn’t pause, letting his finger sink into me an inch at a time. Well, not an inch. A smaller amount. But it was a gradual push, a steady burn rather than a sharp pain. Without anything else to distract me from it, though, the heat spread through my body, filling me with a promise I knew Bradyn could deliver.

Before the night was over, I would come…hard.

In and out it went, each time making the burn fade a little more than the last. When he added a twist of his finger, the sensation changed, and I gasped. He laughed, a low, masculine sound that did as much for me as his finger. Damn, I loved that laugh.

The hand on my back slid around my hip and underneath me, fingers easily finding my clit. I moaned as they moved in quick circles, sending pleasure out to meet the heat, turning it into a more intense sensation than they had been apart. The two points in my body fought for my attention, but I couldn’t focus on one or the other. My fingers curled in the blanket, needing something to hold onto.

“Come like this, firebird.”

A shudder ran through me, and I made a desperate sound. I was vaguely aware that I had the power to stop him, and that kept me grounded enough to let him order me to come. It gave me the sort of freedom that I’d never had as a Dominant.

“I want you to come,” he repeated. “Come with my finger in your ass and your clit being played with. Come, and I’ll give you

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