Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,62

what you really want.”

I tensed, then exploded. The bed muffled my shout, but nothing could stop me from thrashing around, limbs desperate for movement. In the background, I could hear Bradyn telling me that I’d done well, and his pride in me filled me with a different, non-physical pleasure. Something I hadn’t even realized that I’d wanted until now.

As I came down, my muscles relaxed, but I didn’t move from where I knelt. My knees would be hurting soon, but I trusted Bradyn to finish before the pain canceled out the pleasure.

Something not quite hard, but definitely unyielding, pressed against my ass, and I realized that he’d taken out his finger, which meant this was the toy he’d promised. I didn’t look back to see what it was. Instead, I concentrated on letting my breathing even out.

“I promise this will feel even better.”

A hand on my hip helped keep me still as he eased the slender cylinder into the place where his finger had been only minutes ago. He was right. The toy was a little bigger, stretching me a little more, bringing back that burn, but I didn’t mind. I still had that haze that came after a really good orgasm, and I knew I’d have another one soon enough.

“Damn.” He let out a low whistle. “Do you have any idea how fuckin’ gorgeous you are, firebird? Just the hint of color where the base keeps that toy in place, a reminder of how it’s all snug in that tight passage of yours.”

Damn. If I hadn’t already come, he could’ve gotten me wet just talking like that.

“Now, let’s see if you’re ready for my cock.”

“I am,” I blurted out. The constant pressure in my ass was doing all sorts of weird stuff to me. I could barely stay still. I needed him to fuck me and make me come again.

Another of those sexy laughs slid over my skin and deep inside me.

Two fingers pushed into my pussy, and I cried out, a jolt running through me. I tightened around his fingers and around the toy, such different sensations, but definitely ones I was enjoying.

“I’m tryin’ to decide if you’re good for my ego or bad,” Bradyn said as he drove his fingers into me with fast, rough twists. “Good because you come so pretty for me, or bad because I know once I get my dick inside you, I’m barely gonna be able to get you off before I come myself.”

A surge of pride went through me. Pride and satisfaction that I could cause this crazy hot, insanely fuckable man to lose even a bit of his self-control.

Then his fingers were gone, and I heard him open the condom packet. A few seconds later, the head of his cock was right at my entrance. He grabbed onto my shoulder for leverage and slammed into me with a thrust that pushed all the air from my lungs so that my scream was just a breath.

Everything in my head vanished, and at that moment, I couldn’t even remember my own name. Still buried balls deep, he wrapped my ponytail around his fist, and all I could do was hold on as he rode me with hard, fast strokes. Him taking me like this would’ve had me writhing and crying out even without the shaft in my ass. With it, I felt myself pushed to the edge of consciousness, my mind hovering in that space where everything was just so overwhelming that it felt like the only possible outcome was death because no one could possibly feel all this and live.

“Fuck, you feel so good.” Bradyn curled his body over mine, shortening his thrusts as he slid his hands underneath me to get at my breasts. “Come for me again, ‘cuz I’m not gonna last much longer.”

It was too much. I didn’t think I could. I felt like my mind and body were going a thousand different ways.

Then two sharp pinches, one to each nipple, and everything focused instantly, intensely, and I came calling out his name. The world went white, then gray, and he said my name. His cock swelled even more, and I had the distant thought that he’d come…and then nothing but darkness.



My head jerked, startling me out of a rather pleasant dream that involved tying Nyx up and licking whipped cream off her body. I blinked, my brain trying to simultaneously process that I was awake and trying to figure out what had woken me so abruptly.

Dark red

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