Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,44

jumped out of my skin. Hayden appeared in the doorway, his onyx wings spread out behind him. “Delacroix’s looking for you, pumpkin. He says he’s got some time-sensitive information.”

Chapter Sixteen

“You’re sure about this?” Talon glared at Delacroix from across the shabby mattress on the floor. A glimmer of early morning light lit up the nasty shed in the boneyard which had been the demon’s choice for our little pow wow. Apparently, it was one of the few places on property without cameras.

“I already said I was, dragon,” Delacroix snarled.

“How do we know this isn’t a trap?” Talon voiced the same question I’d had at the back of my mind for the past fifteen minutes.

“You don’t.”

I tried to search his mind to pick up any traitorous thoughts, but all I got was radio silence. Why couldn’t I get these warlock powers under control?

I grabbed the blueprint from Delacroix and studied the floorplan of Thax’s castle. According to the hellus demon, there was a secret passageway which would lead us right into the warlord’s private quarters. Again, according to him, Thax’s guards never remained within the chamber overnight so if we could get in, we’d meet virtually no resistance.

“What about Vander?” I asked. Talon tensed beside me as I uttered his friend’s name.

Delacroix extended his long claw and dragged it over the creased diagram. “He’ll be kept here tonight. You can follow the same subterranean passageway as the one to reach Thax. In and out, no problems.”

“If this is so easy, then why wouldn’t you have one of your men do it?” Talon asked.

Good point.

“Simple. I don’t trust them. If they decided to rat me out to Thax instead of following through with the deal, I’d be dead by daylight. Underworlders are a slippery bunch, dragon. They only hold allegiance to the winning side; they only obey power. From in here, there is only so much I can do.”

Also, a good point.

I glanced at Talon and shrugged. “We have to try, even if it’s only for the chance to save Vander.”

Delacroix wagged his clawed finger at me and clucked his teeth. “That was not the deal, little demon. Removing Thax is your first priority, saving the SIA agent comes secondary.”

I opened my mouth to object, but Talon’s arm slapped across my chest. “We understand the deal, Delacroix. Believe me, I’d be more than happy to see that murderous demon dethroned.”

“Wonderful, then we are all on the same page.” He glanced between us. “I take it you’ve figured out a way to safely leave the premises?”

I nodded.

“Good, because this is a one-time only chance. If you’re caught, Thax will double-down on his guards and more importantly, he’ll pivot all his resources on finding the leak within the organization. It won’t be long before your inside man will be out on his luck.”

Talon snorted. “What a shame that would be, for you.”

“It would be, for you and your little demon.”

My dragon bodyguard lunged across the mattress and wrapped his fingers around Delacroix’s neck. “Don’t you dare threaten her. Ever. Do you understand me?” A thick vein throbbed across Talon’s forehead, and the tendon in his jaw was clenched so tight I was certain it would snap.

A thin chuckle escaped Delacroix’s dark lips, despite Talon’s claws grazing his throat. “What an interesting revelation. I cannot wait to see how this situation develops once your SIA friend is thrown in the mix.”

My brows slammed together. “What the heck does that mean?”

A wicked smile stretched across his face. “You’ll see. I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise.”

Talon muttered a curse and released the demon. “Are we done here or is there anything else of value you need to share with us?”

He shook his head innocently. “You have all you need. And may the dark gods be with you on your journey.”

Talon whipped the door open, letting it smack against the wooden wall and half a dozen inmates swiveled their heads in our direction. I followed him out as a chorus of catcalls and whoops filled the frosty air. Wrapping my arms around my middle, I winced as an icy breeze whooshed over me.

This was exactly why I never came outside. Damn freezing weather.

“Can I get a turn next?” A merman licked his lips and thrusted his pelvis forward as I passed. “You look delicious, she-demon.”

An earthshaking growl tore from Talon’s lips as he barreled into the male mermaid. The guy hit the frozen ground with a smack, his head bouncing against the snow-blanketed earth. He let out

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