Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,43

the unexpected confession.

“But I can’t help question if it’s only because of my blood running through your veins. I honestly don’t know how I fought it for so long because now, you’re all I think about. I want to be near you all the time, but even when I am it’s not enough. I don’t know that even being inside you would be enough.” His brow tipped up, and a mischievous smile twisted his lips.

My heart tapped out an erratic rhythm, and I could barely breathe. I stepped toward him, but he threw his hand up.

“Don’t, Azara. It’s hard enough for me not to touch you from this distance.”

“I want you too,” I muttered. “All the time.”

His eyes met mine, and an unreadable expression streaked through his blazing orbs. “Want, need, just physical right? That’s the blood bond, the carnal link binding us together.”

I wanted to say no because I didn’t believe it was only physical. I was falling for him, and it wasn’t only because of the stupid bond. But I couldn’t force the words out, because what if he didn’t feel the same?

I sank down to the floor and leaned against the cold wall. Talon continued his pacing for a few more minutes before folding down beside me. The burning need must have passed. His piercing gaze bored into the side of my face leaving a fire in its wake. I didn’t dare meet it because I knew what would happen next. The same that kept happening. We’d get close, really close and ultimately have to pull back.

“Why did you join the SIA, Talon?” The question popped out of my mouth without much thought behind it. I’d been curious since Ella’s comment yesterday, and maybe now I needed a distraction.

His relentless gaze finally lost sight of its target and dropped to the floor. He didn’t say anything for a long moment, and I assumed this was one of those topics not up for discussion. He surprised me when his shoulder brushed mine and words began to flow from his clenched jaw. “You and I have more in common than you think, one thirty-eight.”

I scowled at my unattractive pet name.

“I used to get into a lot of trouble when I was younger. When I was seventeen, one such time landed me in prison.”

My brows nearly hit my hairline before I schooled my expression to normal.

“Anyway, the SIA recruited me, much like they did you.”

“What happened?” I finally asked when it seemed like he’d come to the end of his story. A story I needed to know more about.

He inhaled a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I lost my parents when I was a kid. My dad was the alpha of our dragon pride, and he died in combat. My mom died shortly after—damn mate bond can be a bitch like that.” He paused and sucked in another breath. “I was an only child and had no close family. Typically, the beta would’ve taken me in, but instead Vander’s family insisted. His father and mine were close; as alphas they’d met on the Etrian Assembly. Vander’s mother, sister and even the entire pack treated me like I was one of their own. So that was how I ended up being raised by wolves.” A rueful smile split his lips, masking the hurt that radiated through the bond.

The pain was so acute it took me a second to focus on his words. “Wait, Vander is a wolf?”

He nodded. “And he’s more than my best friend, he’s my brother.”

“We’re going to get him back, Talon.” I reached for his hand, wrapping my fingers tight around his warm flesh. I took a moment to digest the information and waited for his pain to wane before continuing with my questions because I still had a ton more. “So you kind of skimmed over the jail part…”

He huffed out a breath. “Vander’s dad, Heath, died when we were sixteen. It messed me up pretty bad. I guess I hadn’t really dealt with my own parents’ death, and his passing brought it all to the forefront again. I did some stupid shit, and it finally caught up to me. It doesn’t matter what it was anymore.”

I nodded slowly. This was the most I’d ever heard Talon speak at one time, and if he wasn’t ready to tell me what happened, I wouldn’t push. “Thank you for telling me.” I squeezed his big hand, threading my fingers through his.

The training room door whipped open, and I nearly

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