Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,45

a string of curses as my bodyguard darted back up to walk beside me. “Anyone else got something to say?”

The entire boneyard went silent.

“Good. The next male that looks at Azara won’t have eyes come sun-up. Is that clear?”

A wave of muttered yeses rolled across the yard. Damn, Talon was scary AF when he went all crazy protective. Also, incredibly sexy.

Warm air wafted over us as we walked back into the main building, and my frozen lungs began to work again. “You okay?” I asked. The fury rolling off him was suffocating.

“Yes. Sorry, if my dragon got a little out of hand.”

“It’s okay.” I laced my fingers through his and gave him a quick squeeze before we reached the crowded atrium. “I like your dragon.”

He smirked before donning his hard mask once again. “You don’t have to go tonight,” he said as we weaved between the crowd of inmates lined up at the commissary.

“Yes, I do. I can help with my kickass magic.”

His hard expression slipped for a second, a twinkle lighting up his eyes. “I’m not saying you wouldn’t. I just don’t like the idea of taking you into the mouth of hell.”

“I’ll be fine. I’m an Underworlder, remember?”

I wrapped my coat more tightly around myself as the whirling winds of the portal kicked up the icy breeze along the mountain top.

“Perhaps you should practice one more time,” said Logan, his voice muddled by the roaring gusts.

I’d opened and closed the portal to the Underworld three times already. My nose was iced over, and I could barely feel my cheeks. I understood why speed would be of the essence when opening the portal back home, but as much as I’d improved in spellcraft, my warlock magic was still a bit temperamental. Once my emotions were involved, things got a little dicey and who knew what we’d be facing at Thax’s castle. At this point, more practice would only increase my chances of frostbite. “I think I’ve got it, Logan.”

Talon’s hand wrapped around my shoulder and squeezed. “She’s got this, Warden.”

Warmth seeped through his palm into my skin bypassing the layers of clothing. Logan’s watchful eye caught the movement, but he diverted his gaze before meeting mine. He definitely knew something was going on.

“Let’s get this party started then, huh?” Dallas’s fangs popped out, and a wicked grin flashed across his incisors.

A megawatt smile lit up Hayden’s face as his majestic onyx wings unfurled. “I’m always ready for a good demon thrashing.” He unclenched his fist, and a gleaming sword appeared in his palm. Brilliant azure flames danced along the blade, setting his angelic features aglow.

I turned to Talon, and he nodded. “Ready when you are.”

“Let’s do this.” I gave the signal, and Logan, Dallas, and Hayden leapt into the glowing portal.

Once the guys disappeared, Talon’s fingers curled around my hand, and the monstrous flapping beasts in my gut subsided. A little anyway. He dipped down and his lips brushed mine, catching me completely by surprise. They were warm, despite the chill in the air, and kindled a wave of smoldering embers deep in my belly.

Talon’s other hand dug into my hair, turning my head to deepen the kiss. His dragon lurked just below his fiery surface. I could feel him trying to break through, to reach me. It was bizarre and amazing all at the same time.

He pulled away too quickly, and my body sagged against his. “Just in case,” he muttered, the rough edge to his tone doing nothing to quell the burning need within.

I took a step back and glanced up at the man who’d become my everything in such a short time. His intense silver irises locked on mine, and a swirl of unfamiliar sensations tangled my insides. Our raging emotions twirled and danced around each other until it was too difficult to decipher which belonged to whom.

I suddenly understood why mated dragons were bonded together for life, and why the passing of one was the death sentence for the other. If I lost Talon, would I survive?

“Don’t say that,” I finally mumbled, burying my face in his chest.

His lips brushed my forehead, his breath whirling through my hair. “Nothing’s going to happen to you, Azara. I swear my life on it.”

“It’s not me I’m worried about.” I hugged him closer.

“I told you, I’m a tough bastard to kill.” He pushed me out to arm’s length and fixed me with those mesmerizing orbs. “I promise.”

I nodded quickly, snagging my lower lip between my teeth to keep

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