Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,36

out of earshot, I hurried to catch up with Talon’s long strides. “We’re not doing a very good job at keeping this on the downlow.”

He shook his head. “Nah, it’s fine. It’s just my brothers; they know me too well.”

I wondered if Logan had noticed. He’d stopped by for a few of my magical training sessions, but he’d never mentioned it. I wasn’t sure that he would. It would be hella awkward.

When we reached ground level, Talon turned toward the mess hall, but I paused at the foot of the stairs. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, and a chill skirted up my spine.

She’s coming.

Are you sure? I don’t hear anything.

Two unfamiliar voices echoed through my mind, and I froze. That was not Talon. What the heck?

My dragon bodyguard must have noticed I’d stopped following him because he whirled around. “What’s the matter?”

I lifted my finger to my lips and scanned the empty hallway. Or not empty.

Delacroix materialized from a cloud of dark smoke, Dembrat and two other guys surrounding him.

What the eff? How did I just hear their thoughts? And how did Delacroix appear from thin air? Apparently, the Triad wasn’t the only one with unfettered access to their powers in here.

“Ah, just the little lady I was hoping to meet,” Delacroix crooned.

Talon leapt in front of me and tugged me behind his massive shoulders. “Were you hoping to meet me too?” he snarled. His talons burst through his fingertips, the white claws gleaming beneath the neon lights. “I see you’ve decided not to heed my warning? Perhaps you’d like to see what your insides look like spilled across the floor?”

Delacroix raised his own clawed hand. “Relax, dragon. I merely want to talk to the girl.”

I shoved past Talon’s bulky frame despite his best efforts to keep me behind him. “What do you want?”

“I believe we have a mutual friend…”

Talon tensed beside me, his shoulder tight against mine.

“Who’s that?” I asked, lacing my voice with as much steel as I could manage.

“Thax.” He waved a nonchalant meaty paw. “I believe he’s your cousin, if I’m not mistaken.”


I could feel Talon’s burning gaze boring into the side of my face, but I refused to meet it. Not yet anyway. Not until I found out where Delacroix was going with this. If he knew Thax was my cousin, he knew Lucifer was my grandfather, but what else did he know about my family?

“I’m sorry, but I think you’re mistaken. Either that or my gramps has a lot of explaining to do.” I laughed, hoping I’d pulled it off convincingly.

Delacroix stepped out from his circle of bodyguards and paced in front of them. “Hmm, gramps? I thought you called the Prince of Hell Luci?”

My stomach plummeted. No one but a very small group of people knew what I called my devilish grandfather. A pit of dread the size of The Hole bored into my gut.

“You see, Azara, I told you we had something to talk about.” He motioned down the quiet hall to a door. “Please, step into my office.”

I eyed the janitor’s closet and arched a brow. “Seriously?”

“She’s not going anywhere with you,” Talon spat.

“Alone or nothing, little demon.” His claw scraped over his hairy face, nicking the dark scar across his eyebrow.

I spun at my hovering bodyguard and placed my palms against his chest. “I have to do it, Talon. If he knows about Luci, he could know more about my family. I can’t risk it.”

“Then I’ll go with you,” he whispered.

Delacroix clucked his teeth. “I don’t think so, dragon. What I need to discuss with Azara is for her ears only. You can wait out here with my men. I promise I won’t harm a single hair on her fine little head.”

A growl vibrated Talon’s massive chest. Without lowering his gaze to mine, he muttered through clenched teeth, “Fine.”

I hated worrying Talon, I could feel his anxiety rushing through our bond, but I had to do this. I grabbed his hand and squeezed, hoping he’d forgive me.

Be careful. His rough voice echoed through my mind.

I followed Delacroix toward the door at the end of the hall, my heart like a battering ram against my ribs. At least I had some magic now. Worst case scenario, I could blast him with my witchfire and make a run for it. There was no way he could keep me hostage in a broom closet.

The demon slid a key into the lock and with a jiggle, the door

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