Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,35

if it’s a magical one?”

Now I was the one doing the furrowing. “Mind reading isn’t an ability witches possess.”

“Not witches but some warlocks.”

I gulped, and my fingers slid off his arm.

“Azara, I had a buddy of mine at the SIA do some research into demon-witch hybrids, and not one in the dozens of cases exhibited warlock powers.”

I jumped back, a stab of betrayal jabbing at my insides. “You did what?”

“I knew it.” He stood and started the manic pacing again. “You are hiding something.”

My big fat lie must’ve been seeping through our stupid bond. “No, it’s my anger that you’re feeling for going behind my back. I told you my family history is complicated, and it’s important to keep it on the downlow.”

“I didn’t mention you by name, Azara. How stupid do you think I am? I know you and Logan have been keeping things from me from the beginning. I’ve been more than patient. I don’t understand why, but I keep hoping you’ll finally tell me the truth.”

“I can’t,” I hissed. “It’s not just about me. It would affect my whole family.”

He bent down and captured my hands in his. “Azara, you don’t understand what this blood bond does to me. It makes me want to protect you with every fiber of my being. I’d lay down my life for you no questions asked. I’m a part of you now and you are an integral part of me. I would never do anything to place you or your family in harm’s way.”

The fire in his eyes made me want to believe him. And I did believe him. I trusted him like family—like blood. “I know,” I whispered. “But I can’t. I promise I’ll tell you everything once I know my family is safe. Just please let it go for now.”

His head dipped, and he released my hands. “Fine.” He rose and stalked toward his bed, the hurt ping-ponging its way across my gut. I hated upsetting him, but if the bond between us dissipated tomorrow or the week after, then what?

What if his undying devotion vanished as quickly as it appeared?

Chapter Thirteen

A ball of blazing witchfire sparked to life in my palm, and I flung it at Dallas as he zipped across the training room. The vampire screeched, and the stench of burnt flesh wafted to my nostrils.

“Got ya!” I pumped my fist in the air triumphantly as Dallas hurled curses in my direction.

“What the hades, T?” he snarled. “How much longer do I have to keep doing this?” He ticked his head at Hayden who leaned against the far wall, a smile twitching his lips. “Why can’t she use the angel for target practice?”

Talon waved his hand at his brother. “That’s enough for now. If Azara can manage a hit on you, she’s ready for the SIA.”

A huge smile split my lips. I’d been practicing non-stop for the past week and thanks to GG’s spellcraft books and the unraveling binding spell, I’d made major advancements in my magical abilities. My gorgeous and demanding dragon trainer didn’t hurt either.

“What time’s your appointment with the director?” Hayden asked, peeling his tall frame from the wall.

“This evening, during dinner time,” Talon answered.

“Woohoo,” I added drily.

“Azara’s still got a long way to go, but I’m confident she’ll improve once she starts training with the squad.”

Dallas choked on a laugh. “She’s going to train with Ella?”

“Yes,” Talon answered.

“Why’s that so funny?” My cute blonde Fae cousin came to mind along with her flirty ways.

The big vamp crossed his arms over his chest. “Nothing, nothing at all.”

“Dallas…” I grumbled.

“Ella’s sort of an alpha female—as are you. I just hope you’ll be able to play nice.”

“Of course they will,” Talon interjected.

“Then there’s the way she looks at T.” Hayden moved beside Dallas and threw him a conspiratorial grin.

“Oh yeah, there’s going to be trouble.” The smirking vampire doubled over in laughter, and I restrained the urge to wipe that smile off his face with another flaming ball of witchfire.

“Enough,” Talon growled. He ticked his head at me and motioned toward the door. “Let’s grab a late lunch before we miss our window. I don’t want your rumbling stomach to distract you at the SIA.”

My cheeks rosied, and the guys burst into another round of chuckles. I wasn’t sure if it was because of me or because of Talon’s way too personal comment. I flipped them the middle-finger salute and followed him out of the training room as their laughter echoed behind.

As soon as we were

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