Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,34

in three, two, one…

The door burst open and Talon appeared in the threshold, silver flames blazing across his irises.

“Sorry guys, we gotta go.” I grabbed my spell book from under the table and hurried to the door to meet my fuming bodyguard.

From over my shoulder, I could hear Flix and Valeria mumbling about there definitely being something going on between us. So much for keeping this on the DL.

When I reached Talon, his eyes raked over every inch of me. “I’m fine,” I muttered. Only after he finished his examination did the tense set of his jaw and shoulders relax. I could feel the anxiety leech off him as he drew in a breath.

“What happened?”

Hayden ticked his head at the table where Flix and Valeria still sat, matching curious expressions on their faces. “The female pixie heard something about Delacroix concerning our little pumpkin.”

Again, a burst of anxiety rippled off Talon in a sultry wave.

“It was nothing,” I added, running my hand down his abs. Oops.

Hayden’s eyes widened as they focused on the accidental touch. His mouth opened, but Talon cut him off. Thank the gods.

“Tell me everything,” he barked.

When we reached the safety of our cozy little cell, I repeated exactly what Valeria had said which was pretty much nothing.

Talon paced as I spoke and continued long after I’d finished. “There has to be more going on.” He turned to Hayden who was perched on the edge of his bed, crouching to avoid hitting the top bunk. “We have to be extra vigilant in the next few days. Make sure Dallas knows too.”

“Will do, boss.” Hayden saluted the trudging giant with a cheeky smirk.

Risky considering the fury rolling off the Triad’s fearless leader. Only his BAFF could get away with a move like that.

Talon shot him a narrowed glare, his pupils thinning to reptilian slits, and Hayden threw his hands up. “What? Don’t worry about it, T. We’ve got the little pumpkin covered, like always.” He cocked his head at his friend, and a mischievous grin curved his lips. “Unless there’s some new development that’s occurred that should make us extra careful with Azara?”

Talon tossed his head back and forth, his lips pressing into a tight line.

“Like a status change in your relationship? Perhaps the activation of a mate bond?”

“No!” we both hissed in unison.

He chuckled and slid back onto his bed, stretching out his long legs. “Ah, I see. Just want to make sure you keep a brother in the loop, that’s all I’m saying.”

After a few minutes, I got tired of watching Talon’s never-ending pacing and folded down onto my own bed. Grabbing my grandfather’s book on spellcraft, I opened the hefty volume across my lap. At least I could get some more studying in before dinner.

The end of the bed dipped, and the springs groaned, protesting the arrival of my large dragon bunkie. I glanced up from the book and met a pair of piercing orbs. His concern melted through the bond, dispelling any annoyance over his overprotectiveness. “Everything’s going to be fine, Talon. In a few days, I’ll have my magic under control, and I’ll be the SIA’s newest kickass agent.”

The ghost of a smile upturned his lips, before he pursed them together once more. “Don’t underestimate Delacroix, one thirty-eight.”

I scowled at the use of my less than complimentary nickname. “Don’t call me that.”

“Sorry, habit. But that’s not the part of the sentence you should be focusing on.”

“I know, I know. Delacroix’s bad. He wants to do horrible things to me for some unknown reason and yet, it’s been weeks and he still hasn’t made another move.”

The crease between his brows deepened. “I know. Which doesn’t make sense. What is he waiting for?”

I glanced over my shoulder at Hayden, and his quiet snores filtered in our direction. That angel could sleep through anything. Being this close to Talon and not being able to touch him was driving me nuts. Now I let my fingers trail over his forearm. “Maybe he’s scared of you. Maybe Dembrat went back to him with your latest threats, and he decided I wasn’t worth it.”

His dark gaze chased to my fingers running up and down his arm, and a faint growl vibrated his throat. “Doubtful,” he muttered, his husky tone making my insides clench.

“I heard you today.” I pointed at my temple with my free hand.

“Good, I was hoping you would.” He paused, his brow furrowing. “You know, I was thinking that if this isn’t a blood bond thing, what

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