Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,37

swung open. Dusty cleaning supplies—buckets, mops, jugs of bleach solutions, brooms and more littered the tight space. The door slammed behind us, and Delacroix pivoted toward me. His hot breath ghosted over my face, his wrinkly leather skin only a few inches from mine. He reached into his jumpsuit back pocket and pulled out a small gray pouch.

“What’s that?”

He turned it over without answering, and a shimmering gold powder hovered in the air. “Apertum vinite.”

The smoky scent of magic filled the little closet, and I muttered a curse in my head. The back wall of the room slid open, and a dark tunnel appeared. Effin’ fortress! How many secret passageways were in this place?

“Follow me.” Delacroix pointed down the murky tunnel.

Chapter Fourteen

“Absolutely not. I don’t have a death wish.”

A wicked grin pulled at Delacroix’s black lips. “Don’t you think if I wanted to kill you, I would’ve by now? I simply need a few moments to speak to you in private without that bothersome Triad dragon looming over us.”

I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I considered. I had my magic, plus Talon and I still shared our blood connection. I hoped it would be strong enough to find me if things went really bad. I needed to find out what Delacroix knew about my family. I slapped my hands on my hips and shot the demon my steeliest glare. “I’ll give you five minutes before I sound the alarm, and my dragon bodyguard rips your head off.”

He chuckled, his gleaming white teeth a stark contrast to his ebony skin. “Deal—once we reach my office.” His dark gaze scanned over me and another smile melted over his lips. “I’d still like to know what earned you the undying devotion of the leader of the Triad.”

I bet he would. “My sparkling personality.” I returned his sardonic smile. “Now let’s get on with this. Time is ticking, and we don’t want to piss Talon off.”

“Of course not.” He stepped into the tunnel and I followed behind, keeping a few feet between us.

I glanced over my shoulder and was surprised to see the door to the closet hadn’t slid closed behind us. Phew. We walked a bit further, and the dim passageway opened into a larger chamber. A long table with a few chairs haphazardly placed around it sat in the center, along with a dilapidated old couch and some sort of cabinet which lined the far wall. Delacroix circled the room, lighting a few torches, and warm golden light spilled across the dank space. “Your office?” I asked.

He nodded. “It isn’t much, but it is all mine.”

I glanced further down the passageway which continued to snake through the darkness. I wondered if it would lead us out of this fortress. Then why wouldn’t Delacroix have escaped by now? I filed the thought in the back of my mind to discuss with Talon later.

“Okay, we’re here, so talk…”

He folded his beastly body into one of the chairs at the table and motioned for me to do the same.

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Thanks, but I’ll stand.” This way I could make a run for it if necessary.

“Good for you, Azara. I’m starting to see what all the fuss is about.” He eyed my tattoo which peeked out from under my jumpsuit sleeve. It wasn’t glowing yet, but a tingle of energy danced across my skin. “I’ll be honest with you, little demon. Thax hired me to find out more about you. I was under strict orders not to kill you, but rather bring you into the fold. Unfortunately, the Triad got a hold of you and put a hitch in my grand plan. Truthfully, I’ve grown tired of this situation. Thax continues to threaten me for not following through, and I’m not one that does well with threats. I’d like to get out from under the warlord’s thumb, and it occurs to me that you might be my way out.”

“How so? And what does Thax even want from me?”

He waved a nonchalant hand. “The oracle of the Underworld has produced another prophecy. Thax’s seer, Remy, is certain you are the subject of the vision, and it doesn’t bode well for the dark lord’s future.”

I gulped. Was this the same prophecy that had plagued my mom all those years ago?

“In any case, I’ve decided it is in my best interest to put an end to Thax’s reign. I grow weary within these obsidian walls, and I’ve amassed enough followers over

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