Dark and Light - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,18

wonder if he’s, uh, bigger everywhere.”

“Of course he is—lucky you!” Rochelle exclaimed. “All those Kindred are supposed to be hung like a horse.”

“But it’s been so long since I’ve had sex!” Luci protested. “I don’t know if I can handle all that!”

“Sex is like riding a bike,” Rochelle said dismissively. “You never forget how—your body will take over at the right minute. You’ll see.”

“I hope you’re right,” Luci said doubtfully. There was no doubt she’d had her share of fantasies about the big Kindred and what sex would be like with him, but he was so much bigger than her. Still, she reminded herself, he was gentle and patient with the kids—hopefully he would be gentle and patient with her too, if they actually did do anything.

And more and more, that was what Luci wanted. Raze was a wonderful guy but she was tired of being friends. She wanted him.

But it remained to be seen if the big Kindred wanted her too.


“Well, that was delicious. Thank you for making dinner again,” Luci said as they settled on the couch together after cleaning up the kitchen.

Her mom had agreed to keep the kids at her place and the kittens had recently transitioned onto wet food so there was nobody to interrupt them for once. She tucked her legs under her and leaned towards the big Kindred, smiling.

“I’m glad you liked the tersig mixture,” Raze rumbled, giving her a warm smile. “My mother used to make it for me when I was a young male—a boy. My version isn’t as good as hers, though.”

“Well, I thought it was perfect,” Luci assured him. “In fact, you’re perfect, Raze. I mean…” She stumbled, feeling foolish. “I mean, you’re just such a nice guy. So patient and kind and wonderful and…and perfect,” she ended rather lamely.

Raze smiled.

“I think you’re perfect too, Lucia,” he murmured. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a female. So beautiful and luscious with your full curves and your gorgeous eyes and the way you smell so Goddess-damned good…”

His voice had dropped to a low, sexy growl and the hot way he was looking at her—like he wanted to eat her up—made Luci quiver inside. Now was the time, she sensed—this was the moment she’d been waiting for.

“Thank you,” she whispered and raised up on her knees to kiss him. Raze didn’t try to stop her. In fact, he leaned in and cupped her face in one big, warm hand.

As their lips met, Luci felt an electrical tingle that rushed through her whole body at once. Her nipples were suddenly tight and there was a deep, sweet ache between her thighs. Dios, she wanted him!

The feeling seemed to be mutual. With one smooth motion, Raze hooked his hands under her thighs and pulled her into his lap. Luci found herself straddling the big Kindred’s waist and looking into his eyes.

“Raze,” she murmured and leaned in to kiss him again. The big Kindred kissed her back, tasting her mouth like she was a fine vintage he had been waiting a long time to sample. Big, warm hands caressed her back, running up to her shoulders and then down to cup the curves of her ass. His touch on her body felt so good…so right.

This is it, Luci thought to herself. Rochelle was right—he was waiting for me to make the first move. Dios, I hope he has protection!

She didn’t have anything herself, though Rochelle had recommended she get some condoms. But from the long, thick ridge of his cock, which she could feel between her thighs when she pressed against him, nothing sold in an Earth drug store would have been big enough for Raze.

Luci was getting so hot at this point, though, that she almost didn’t care if the big Kindred had protection or not. It had been over a year since she’d been with a man and Tony had never made her feel this way.

Her ex had been a rough, selfish lover—pushing her down and taking her before she was really ready and ending before she was anywhere near done. In contrast, Raze was being gentle and slow. Though she could feel the eagerness in his big body, he wasn’t rushing her in any way.

The feeling of not being hurried—of being with a man who she knew would be gentle with her—made Luci hotter than she could ever remember feeling before. Reaching around, she took one of his big hands from her back and pressed it to her breast.

“Touch me,” she

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