Dark and Light - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,17

perfect—except for one thing.

He never touched Luci and he hadn’t tried to kiss her once.

“He almost seems too good to be true,” Luci confessed to her friend, Rochelle, who worked at Paws and Purrs with her, as they were restocking supplies. “But he won’t lay a hand on me—won’t even come close.”

“Well, are you giving him a chance?” Rochelle was a tall girl with deep ebony skin and direct brown eyes. She wore her hair short and natural and carried herself like a queen. “I mean, it sounds to me like every time you’re with him, so are your kids and your mom. The poor man has to have an opening—it’s not like he can grab you right in front of everybody!”

“It was like that at first,” Luci admitted. “Because my mom didn’t trust him and never wanted to leave the two of us alone. But I think she’s finally warmed up to him now because last night she left right after we got the kids to bed—I think to give us some alone time.”

“And what did you do with that ‘alone time?’” Rochelle demanded.

Luci shrugged.

“We sat on the couch and talked. Just…talked. For hours. It was wonderful.”

“Just talked?” Rochelle looked at her skeptically, one hand on her ample hip. “He finally gets you all to himself and all he does is talk? Girl, maybe he’s gay.”

“I don’t think so,” Luci protested. “The whole time we were talking he was looking at me. You know what I mean? I mean really looking. Those eyes of his—they can be so intense.”

“I’m guessing intense is your word for sexy.” Rochelle laughed. “If I had that man on my couch, I’d jump all over him! Or let him jump all over me.” She gave Luci a lascivious wink and licked her full lips.

“Dios, you’re always horny!” Luci laughed and gave her friend a nudge.

“You should be too, spending time with that big, luscious Kindred!” Rochelle exclaimed. “Girl, you need to get yourself a piece of that.”

“I want to,” Luci admitted—both to her friend and to herself. “But it’s not like I can make the first move—I might ruin everything.”

“Maybe he’s waiting for you to make it though,” Rochelle pointed out. “Maybe in his culture, it’s the woman who starts things up. You know how Kindred are always so respectful of their ladies. Maybe he thinks it would be rude if he tried something first.”

“I never thought of that.” Luci nibbled her bottom lip thoughtfully. She couldn’t help remembering the intense way Raze had looked into her eyes last night. As though he was longing to touch her but didn’t dare to for some reason. At one point he had been leaning towards her and she had been leaning towards him and she had been certain he was going to try and kiss her.

But then the alarm on his chronometer went off—it was time to feed the kittens. Regretfully, she thought, he had excused himself and said goodnight.

“I’m going to see him again after work,” she told Rochelle. “Maybe I should ask my Mom if she could keep the kids overnight for once.”

“I think you should.” Rochelle nodded emphatically. “Give the poor man an opening.”

“But what if he doesn’t want me?” Luci protested. “I mean, I come with so much baggage.”

“I know—three kids, a nosy, overprotective mom, a dog, a cat, a guinea pig, two rabbits, seven turtles, and a partridge and a pear tree,” Rochelle said dryly. “And you’re right, most guys wouldn’t go for all that. But Kindred are different. They value a girl even if she comes with a background. And it’s not like you’ve been trying to hide all that crap from him—he’s seen it right from the first and he’s still hanging around.”

“True.” Luci nibbled her lip again. “Okay,” she said at last. “I’m going to go for it tonight. If Raze doesn’t make a move, I’m going to make one.” She took a deep breath. “After all, what do I have to lose except my self-esteem if he says no?”

“Girl, he’s not gonna say no,” Rochelle reassured her. She gave Luci a spontaneous hug and then held her at arms’ length. “I mean, look at you! You’re gorgeous with all that long, curly hair and those big brown Bambi eyes. He’s probably itching to get his hands on you!”

“I hope you’re right.” Luci frowned. “But I’m still nervous. I’ve never been with any guy but Tony and Raze is so much bigger than he was. I mean, I

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