Dance With Me - By Hayden Braeburn Page 0,50

Kat,” she whispered before making her way down the aisle, Cam on her heels. When the music changed, Kat glided down the aisle toward Mason, a smile on her face.

“The moment I drenched you with my mocha, I knew you were special. The day I first watched you dance, I knew you were talented. The day you made me pull over to save that stray dog, I knew you would be a wonderful mother, but the day you told me you loved me was the best day of my life." He paused, smiling down at the beautiful woman he would soon call his wife. “Until today. You are my rock, my touchstone, my heart.” He swallowed then. He hadn't expected to get choked up, and looking at Kat while tears clung to her lashes wasn't helping. “I am proud to call you my love, my salvation, my match, my wife.”

Although she didn't have the benefit of planning, Kat blinked away her tears and gave Mason vows from her heart. “If you had told me five years ago I would be standing here now, in the yard behind the Everett Estate, marrying the oldest son, I would have laughed.” She giggled. “I adore you, Mason Everett. You are everything a man should be. You are tough when you need to be tough, thoughtful when you need to be thoughtful, patient when you need to be patient—and lord knows you need to be patient with me—and kick-ass when you need to be kick-ass.” She paused as a laugh rolled through the guests. “I am honored to be your wife, and proud to call you husband.”


“So, Mrs. Everett,” Mason started before dropping a kiss on Kat's upturned lips, “are you going to kill me for springing this on you?”

Kat laughed at her husband's hopeful expression. “Why would I do that?” She hugged him closer. “This was perfect.”

He grinned. “At first, it was going to just be a party. Then it was a black-tie party—I have no idea how that happened—and when Cassidy found out, she suggested we just turn it into a wedding.”

She gasped. “Wait. The sister that went to your father to stop our wedding helped plan this?”

“Sure did,” he affirmed with a nod. “She wanted to do something to make up for jumping to conclusions.” He paused, lowering his voice to a barely audible whisper, “She doesn't like when she's wrong.”

“Who does?” She dropped her gaze to her dress. “Where did you find this gorgeous thing?”

“Michaela made it.”

Her friend and costumer had been making her dresses for so many years, she could probably rattle off Kat's measurements in her sleep. She pulled from the standard hold they were in to wrap her arms around his neck. “I can't believe this. It's like a dream.”

“Believe me, babe, it's real.”

“Good thing,” she said, a smile on her lips. “Otherwise, I'd never, ever wake up.”


Fight For Me

The Everetts of Tyler, Book 2

No fucking way he was calling Cassidy in to help him pee, he thought as he struggled with his shorts. After a less than restful night, he was fighting more than he had the night before. Finally conceding defeat, he limped out of the bathroom without wasting time trying to tie the drawstring, letting his shorts hang on his hips. He wasn't going far, and she had promised to take him home for clothes today. He still couldn't believe she had taken him in when he was discharged from the hospital, promising to help in whatever way she could and chauffeur him around while he couldn't drive. Or use the right side of his body. Or tie his own damn basketball shorts.

Cassidy rounded the corner just as Dylan came down the hall and sucked in a breath. Dammit, she had to get him into some clothes—she was getting entirely too used to a half-dressed man in her house. She had the fleeting thought of licking him all over before she pushed it aside and chose a more suitable greeting. She was supposed to be taking care of him, helping him heal, getting him back on his feet, not waking up in sweaty sheets after hot and heavy dreams about those in her care. She shook her head, sending her ponytail swishing behind her. “Morning. How are you feeling today?” There, that sounded like a reasonable greeting.

“Besides the fact that I can barely take care of myself, I'm fine,” he said, sweeping his left arm down towards shorts that chose that moment to Copyright 2016 - 2024