Dance With Me - By Hayden Braeburn Page 0,51


Oh lord. His shorts were hanging on by a thread and she was torn between helping him by pulling them up or helping herself by pulling them down. She gave herself a mental kick. Get a hold of yourself, Everett. She hoped her blatant hunger wasn't telegraphed on her face. Dylan caught the runaway shorts with his left hand, but not before revealing enough for Cassidy's heart to speed, thumping loudly in her ears.

His golden eyes heated as he held on the waistband. “Can you help?”

She bit her lip. He knew exactly what he was doing. With trembling fingers, Cassidy tied his shorts, yet couldn't bring herself to tear her hands away from his body.

Cassidy was touching him, and even in his broken and battered state, his body responded. There really was nothing he could do. “Uh, Cassidy...”

She watched him harden and lengthen beneath the red fabric and barely resisted the urge to run her hands over his hardness. Wow.

She should step away. Run away. Anything. Instead of heeding the warning bells in her head, she skimmed her hands up his washboard abs to his hard chest. How could he look so amazing in a sling and gauze? She scooted closer until her hard nipples were against his bandaged torso, separated by only the thin cotton of her shirt. Aching to be closer to him, she shifted to encircle his neck with her arms. He was so tall, she still had to tilt her head to look into his molten gold eyes, the heat of his body burning her through her clothes. She shouldn't be here like this, but she didn't care. She could worry and feel guilty tomorrow.

Ah, hell. He had a warm willing woman wrapped around him, and he had to kiss her. He bent his head to brush his mouth over hers, tasting her morning coffee and a hint of peanut butter. She opened beneath his lips, her tongue sliding against his, and it drove him out of his mind. He changed the angle to deepen the kiss, crushing her closer to him with his left arm. His body protested with a sharp pain, but he didn't care. Cassidy was the best kind of painkiller.

She didn't know how long they kissed, but she had to stop before she mounted a battered man. Reluctantly, she pulled away. “Um... Wow.” Understatement of the year.

“I could kiss you all day,” he told her truthfully, his breath ragged.

“I had to stop.” She blushed, running her tongue over her bottom lip. “Otherwise, I'd hurt you.”

“I'm a big boy,” he said with a smirk.

She couldn't resist. She ran her hand over the bulge in his shorts. “Yes, yes you are.” She pulled her hand away, clenching her fingers into a fist. She shouldn't touch him. Quickly, she turned to face the wall. Maybe if she couldn't see him, she could calm her hormones. She took a deep breath, held it for a moment before letting it out slowly. “I really, really want to do all kinds of things to you I shouldn't.” She sighed. “For so many reasons.”

He turned her around with his left hand to silence her with another kiss, shorter but no less passionate. “I'm sure we can find a way.” He kissed her again then, stroking her with his tongue. “If you want.”

Oh, did she want. She was practically dripping on the floor, but wanting a man with such intensity was foreign to her. Coupled with the circumstances, she couldn't risk it. This was a man unafraid to die in the defense of others, a hero many times over. This was a man who could break down her walls, and as tempting as he was, she refused to open herself up for that. He was only here until he was able to take care of himself, and then he would disappear. She straightened. “I just don't want to hurt you.” She stepped from his embrace, wrapped her arms around her midsection. “I don't do casual sex.”

He crossed to her, tipped her chin up with his left hand. “What made you think I was lookin' for casual?”

About the Author

A Virginia native, Hayden Braeburn now finds herself among the bluegrass and rolling hills of Kentucky. Married to her own (former) Marine, and mother to two incredible children, she toils at a day job she actually loves, writing whenever she has a free minute. Admittedly, that makes for a long time between chapters of her serial, SPEEDING (and she really hates to admit how long it takes to write a book) but she sincerely hopes her pieces are worth the wait. Visit her website,

Twitter: @HaydenBraeburn



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