Dance With Me - By Hayden Braeburn Page 0,49

Camryn jumped in, a wide grin splitting her face.

Her heart sped up as her knees turned to jelly. “Oh my God.”


“I see how you planned some of this without her knowing, but how the hell did you get the license without tipping her off?” Caleb asked his older brother.

“Licenses are good for two months. She knew we were wasting no time, but she didn't know what I had planned.”

Caleb slapped Mason on the shoulder. “You are the only man in history with balls big enough to plan a surprise wedding, bro.”

Mason laughed. “It seemed like such a good idea when I had it.” There was no turning back now. He straightened his tie. “She'll be happy, right?”

“Eventually,” Caleb decided with a nod. “I just hope you live to see the honeymoon.” He shook his head at his brother. Most men endured the planning of a wedding over a long period of time, but not his overachieving brother. No, Mason had to not only look forward to getting married, he had to plan a wedding in less than a month and pull the damn thing off, too. Katerina, Cassidy and Camryn looked great in their dresses, the guests had all kept the invitations secret, and though he knew little about flowers, even he had to admit the place looked beautiful. He had no doubt the bride would happily marry his brother whether or not she had planned the wedding herself, but he had to give Mason hell. He snickered. He would be remiss in his duties as younger brother if he didn't seize this opportunity.

Dylan walked through the door just then, one arm still immobilized in a sling. “I'm here,” he announced, his expression pained.

“Don't look so happy, Black,” Mason said with a chuckle. “Seeing as I owe my life to you and all, I wanted you to stand up there with me.”

He understood that, and he was happy to do it, but he'd rather face down another crazy woman than spend the next six hours in a monkey suit. “A tux, Everett? I could've handled a suit, or, hell, a uniform...” he trailed off. What good was complaining? He was already wearing the damn thing, anyway.

“You'll never have to wear it again,” Mason promised.

“This is supposed to make me feel better?” Dylan muttered, causing Caleb to sputter with laughter. Noticing the muscle ticcing in Dylan's jaw, Caleb narrowed his eyes, his chocolate gaze assessing the taller man. “How's physical therapy coming?”

“Bullets tear muscle,” Dylan answered. “Muscles heal.”

The strong, silent type. Perfect for his perpetually talking sister. “How's Cass treating you?”

Like a damn china doll. “I'm wearing out my welcome.”

He doubted that, but nodded anyway. “I'm sure things are getting easier. Before long you'll be driving, and chasing bad guys.”

“I don't think I'll be chasing any perps for a while,” Dylan responded. He wouldn't be doing much of anything until he had control of his body. He'd been shot once before, that bullet blowing through the muscle in his left calf two years ago. The pain then had been excruciating, but the two bullets this time made that one feel like child's play. While his major organs had been spared, he not only had muscle damage, but nerve damage affecting his entire right side. He grimaced. Too bad he was right handed—or had been. He would do everything the same if he could go back, but now he had to rethink his life plan. Not that he'd had much a life plan after Iraq. He shook his head as if to shake the dark thoughts free. “Let's go stand up for your brother,” he said to end the conversation.

Caleb took the hint with no complaints. It was almost time to make their way to the ceremony, and pushing Dylan wouldn't help. He tugged on the lapels of his own tuxedo. “After you, Superman.”


Kat marveled at the transformation of the Everett's home. The living room was decorated with garlands of cream roses and greenery down the banisters, along the windows, and at the end of each chair row, lit with standing candelabras, and filled with the music of a string quartet. She clutched the spectacular bouquet of roses, stephanotis and ivy in her hands, the long stems wrapped in the same lace as her dress. The details were perfect, every piece tying to the other in ways she may not have thought about herself. Very briefly she wondered how much he had spent before Cassidy squeezed her elbow. “Welcome to the family, Copyright 2016 - 2024