
"Wow. Maybe he really meant all that alliance bullshit you told me about."

Raj nodded staring out the window. “Maybe he did."

"So, what did Dr. Saephan say about our missing researcher?"

He looked at her. “He says if Edwards is doing this, she'd normally need as many donors as possible, but since it's vamp blood we're dealing with, he thought two or three would do it."

"Vamps or humans?"

"Both. He said the choice of women is probably just the vamps’ preference. She can't just use bagged blood for the humans, because the physical bite changes the chemistry."

Em was staring at the road, listening to every word. “So the women are probably still alive then. That's something."

"For a while anyway, yeah."

They turned down Lake Road and the blood house came into view. Raj studied the white clapboard farm house and said softly, “Well, that's an improvement."

Em's head swiveled his way. “I meant to talk to you about that,” she snapped. “I can't believe you came out here with no backup. What if—"

Raj gave her a cool glance. “Are you suggesting I'm incapable of defending myself, Emelie?"

Em blinked and swallowed hard, but held her ground. “Not at all, my lord,” she said formally, but then added with a snarl, “And you know it. But that doesn't mean you're invincible. A simple phone call, that's all I'm asking."

Raj permitted himself a bare smile. “Done. Can we go inside now, Mommy?"

"Fuck you,” Em said cheerfully and threw open her door.

They crossed the uneven lawn together, bypassing an orderly line of club goers waiting for admittance. Two vamp bouncers stood at the door, checking IDs and producing waivers, which were then signed and delivered to a third vamp sitting at a small table just inside. The bouncers gave Em the once over, which she ignored, and nodded respectfully to Raj, holding the crowd back so he could go ahead. The music was just as loud as before, but then everyone seemed to prefer it that way. Why have a blood house in the boonies if you couldn't crank up the sound? There was a steady stream of vamps and humans heading for the private rooms upstairs, and more than a few cries of pleasure emanating from dark corners downstairs. But as long as it stayed inside the house, Raj didn't much care what they did.

"My lord."

Raj turned to find Mick waiting for him. When their eyes met, Mick dropped his gaze immediately and bowed from the waist, holding the bow for several seconds before straightening with a grin. “I'm honored at your return, my lord, and with such a lovely companion.” He admired Emelie's shapely form, his appraisal resting somewhere south of her face.

Em gave Raj a "Can I smack this f**ker" look, but, to her obvious disgust, Raj only shook his head in amusement. “My lieutenant, Emelie,” he told Mick. The other vamp's eyes widened slightly at Em's title, and Raj felt the jump in power as the big vampire instinctively challenged Em for her position. He stifled a smirk of satisfaction as Emelie flicked Mick off with a surge of power and a vicious grin. She might look like a runway model, but Em was tough. Certainly tougher than any of Raj's other vampires, and that was saying something.

Mick stumbled back a step, his expression grim, but he gave Em a grudging nod of acknowledgment and turned back to Raj. “I trust everything is as you wanted, my lord?"

"Yeah, it looks great. Listen, is there somewhere we can talk?"

The other vampire's eyes widened in surprise a second time. “This way.” He led them back through the house to what had probably been a closed-in porch at one time, but when Mick closed the door to the house, the loud music shut off as if a switch had been thrown. “A vampire can't think with that racket sometimes,” he joked. “Please, my lord.” He waved at a cluster of chairs, then sat down himself, leaning back and looking completely relaxed, despite his confrontation with Raj only a few nights ago. Raj had noticed this about vampires. They were most comfortable when there was a clear chain of dominance. Mick sat easily under Raj's power as long as Raj demonstrated his superior strength. Problems arose only when there was no obvious hierarchy, or when, as with Krystof, the would-be dominant held the reins so loosely as to be ineffective.

"So, Mick,” Raj started, “You know why I'm in town, right?

Mick shrugged. “I know what I've heard. Krystof brought you in to deal with these missing girls because the cops have him worried.” He eyed Raj speculatively. “Jozef thinks it's bullshit. He's not entirely thrilled to have you back."

"Yeah, I noticed that,” Raj said dryly. “I'm not all that thrilled to be here either.” He had a sudden thought and leaned forward, head cocked curiously. “Jozef doesn't think there's a vamp connection to these crimes?"

"He didn't come right out and say it, but I got that vibe from him. Why, do you think there is?"

"I notice a lot of new faces in town,” Raj said, changing the subject. “And not just in the blood houses. Half of the meat in Krystof's basement the other night was new to me."

Mick snorted. “Why do you think everything was so out of control here? The old man's making new bodies so fast I'm surprised the cops aren't investigating that instead of a few missing pieces of—” His gaze swung to Emelie. “—er, young women. At least some of those guys have to be from out of town, or maybe right off the boat, so there's no one to miss ‘em."

"Any theories on why Krystof's so eager for converts? Any threats you know of?"

Mick snorted. “Other than you, you mean?” he said in an unconscious imitation of Jozef. He shook his head. “Nah. A couple of the old ones have disappeared, though. Maybe Krystof's worried—"

"Old ones?” Raj interrupted. “Like who?"