
"Chloe's restaurant at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I have already coordinated with Simon. He will provide a small transmitter which I will contrive to place on Sarah's person. Simon is quite confident that he will be able to record the entire encounter."

Raj wanted to pound something. Why was Sarah meeting Blackwood? She'd told him he was a family friend, someone she wanted to avoid. Had she lied about that, too? “All right,” he said finally. “You stick close to her tomorrow, Angel. Whatever happens, I don't want her going off with him alone. Em, let's put Simon in close. He can monitor the bug and back up Angel at the same time."

"Yes, my lord. I've spoken to him, and he'll set up right across the street. Chloe's has windows all along the front, so there's a good chance we'll have a visual, as well."

"Forgive me, my lord. But there's more."

Raj looked at Angel. “More?"

"My lord . . . it would seem, that is, I assume . . ."

"Just say it, Angel,” he said impatiently, thinking maybe he was a monster if even Angel was afraid to speak openly to him.

"I don't want to presume, but I thought you'd want to know . . .” She drew a breath through her nose and forged ahead. “After the phone call, she was even more upset. Her front door was still open and I could hear her crying,” Angel said softly, no longer looking at him directly.

Raj stared at her, his thoughts blanked by a rage that threatened to swamp every ounce of self-control he possessed.

"Go get some sleep, Angel,” Em said quietly.

"Yes, ma'am. My lord,” Angel whispered.

Raj barely registered her departure. His hands were clenched against a nearly overwhelming desire to shove a fist through the gleaming black fender of the SUV next to him, his jaw tightened against a howl of frustration. He looked up and even Em took a backward step at the fury on his face.

"Who's on Sarah tonight?” he ground out.


"Get him on the phone.” As Em dialed, Raj turned and stormed toward the exit. Em followed, handing him the phone as they stepped outside. He put it to his ear. “Where is she?"

"I believe she's retired for the night, my lord. Her door was still open when I arrived, but she closed and locked it soon after. The porch light came on and then the lights upstairs."

Raj swore softly. She'd left her door hanging open? That wasn't like her, was it? But how the hell would he know? He barely knew her. Damn it. What he wanted to do was rush over to the house and make certain she was safe, but since she clearly counted him among her nightmares, he didn't think a visit from him would make her feel any better.

"Thanks, Cervantes. Let me know the minute anything changes.” He handed the phone back to Em. “We're going to Corfu and I've a call to make on the way."

"My lord,” Emelie ventured, “perhaps we should stop by—"

Raj spun and speared her with a steely gaze. “That wasn't a suggestion, Emelie."

She caught her breath. “Yes, my lord."

He strode outside and over to the BMW, yanking open the passenger door and throwing his keys over the roof toward Emelie. “You're driving,” he growled.

Em caught the keys one-handed and slid into the driver's seat. As she pulled smoothly out of the warehouse parking lot and onto the street, he punched in Duncan's number.

"What's going on, boss?” she asked.

He ignored her, staring out the window and thinking about Sarah crying on the stairs of her damn rickety duplex. From his cell phone's speaker, Duncan's voice said, “Good evening, Raj."

Raj thanked Peter Saephan and disconnected. He'd promised to keep Raphael informed, assuming this matter turned out to be something other than a local dustup.

"What was that all about, boss?” Em's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"That was Raphael's pet doctor,” he said casually. Em turned to stare at him. “Watch the road, Em.” She jerked her attention back just in time to avoid running a red light. “I called Duncan last thing this morning. There was a message waiting for me when I woke up tonight."

"Raphael let you talk to Saephan?"

The light changed and Raj winced as she floored the accelerator. “He did,” he said, answering her question. And then he shrugged. “If someone really is selling vamp blood, it could come down on all of us. And all I wanted was to ask a few questions."