
Emelie bristled, but Raj held out a hand, easing her back. “What do you think's going on?” he asked softly.

"How the f**k do I know? Krystof sends word he wants Serge, so Serge goes. That was something like six weeks ago and we haven't heard a single word from him since. Nina says he's still alive, that she'd know if he was dead. But where the f**k is he then?” His voice broke on the last sentence and Raj looked away, giving him the privacy of his grief.

"Mick said there might be others missing too,” he said quietly.

"Yeah,” Byron mumbled. “Maybe. There's a couple of ‘em used to come around the store a lot, but I haven't seen ‘em lately. One of ‘em's Barney. He's an old timer who likes movies, especially the classics that are hard to find. Charles is younger . . . I mean, you know, relatively speaking. He likes the video games and porn—our big sellers, you know?"

Raj nodded.

"Yeah, well. I haven't seen either one of them for a while. ‘Course it could just be they're like me and too f**king scared to leave their own houses."

Raj stood and jerked his head toward the door, telling Emelie they were leaving. Byron looked up in surprise and stood quickly. He wobbled awkwardly and Raj frowned. “You taking care of yourself, By? You won't do Nina or Serge any good if you starve yourself."

"Nina doesn't want me to leave the house. She's afraid I'll disappear, too . . .” His voice trailed off. “She's not eating right, not sleeping. I can't risk her—"

"I'll have some blood sent over—” Raj glanced at his watch and frowned. “Tomorrow night. In the meantime, you need anything, you call me or Em here.” He handed Byron one of his cards before walking back to the front door. He started to pull it open, but Byron's voice stopped him.

"You'll let me know?” he called.

Raj turned around.

"Whatever you find out,” Byron pleaded. “Whatever it is, Raj. Let me know. Nothing could be worse than not knowing."

He nodded. “I'll let you know. In the meantime, take care of yourself and Nina.” He couldn't get out of the house fast enough, striding down the walk and through the gate to where his car was parked. He beeped the locks open, but instead of getting in, he paced down the alley with hard strides and back again. “Goddamn it, Emelie. What the hell is Krystof thinking?"

"Maybe he's not,” she said. Raj stopped and looked at her as she added, “You've been telling me for months, hell, years, that the old man's not right in the head. Maybe he's finally lost it for good and he's not thinking at all anymore."

"Fuck. All right, it's come to Jesus time. I'm going to pay a visit to the old man tomorrow night. See what he knows about all of this.” He closed his eyes, feeling the sun threatening on the horizon. “I can't do anything more tonight. Let's get going. I don't want to end up bunking with the monkeys in the cage,” he said echoing Em's earlier comment about the rest of his vampires.

"But it's okay if I do?” Em observed as she slid into the BMW's passenger seat.

"Yeah, because you live to serve, right?” Her only answer was a raised middle digit. Raj smiled, and it occurred to him that it might be the last thing he had to smile about for a while.

Chapter Thirty-one

Sarah was running a little late as she hurried down the street toward Chloe's elaborate red and gold awning. She'd been reluctant to use the restaurant's valet parking, preferring to park her own car for a quick getaway. But that had meant using the public lot two blocks over. She rushed past the long bank of windows which sat several feet above street level and overlooked the main square. Blackwood was already there, sitting at a window table in full view of anyone who happened to pass by—no doubt quite intentionally. The maitre d’ was hovering as his famous guest sipped a glass of red wine and chatted amiably.

The light was perfect, highlighting the gold in Blackwood's fake blond hair. Granted it was probably very expensive fake blond hair, but a bleach job by any other name . . . She smirked, and for the first time since getting up that morning, felt a little better about things.

Not that it lasted very long. She went up the stairs, stepping aside to avoid being knocked over by a herd of suited businessmen who pushed through the door just as she reached for it. She'd taken no more than two steps inside the restaurant when Blackwood caught sight of her. He waved and said something to the maitre d', sending the twitchy little man scurrying across the restaurant in her direction.

"Ms. Stratton,” he said breathlessly. “Permit me to—"

"The ladies’ room?” she inquired, interrupting.

"Oh,” he said, clearly stunned that she wasn't rushing over to the great man's table. “Yes, of course. Just that way. I'll tell Mister—"

"Thank you.” Sarah escaped down the ornate hallway, calling herself every kind of a coward. It wasn't as if she could get out of the meeting altogether, so what was the point in delaying it the five minutes it would take to wash her hands? She sighed and pushed open the door, nearly gagging on the scent of perfumed air freshener. She washed her hands quickly, drying them with a paper towel from a tidy wicker basket sitting on the sink. Tossing the damp towel, she dug into her purse for her lip gloss. Not that she cared how she looked, but it delayed the inevitable for a few more seconds.

A young Asian woman came in behind her and stuttered to a halt, waving a hand in front of her face. “Yech! It reeks in here."

Sarah smiled over her shoulder. “I know."

The woman walked over to the sink next to Sarah and washed her hands quickly, leaning forward as she did so to study her perfect, golden complexion. Obviously content with what she saw there—and who wouldn't be, Sarah thought enviously—she reached for a paper towel, inadvertently knocking Sarah's purse to the floor. She made a quick grab for it, but so did Sarah. They caught it together and the woman relinquished it with a touch on Sarah's shoulder and an apologetic smile.


"That's okay,” Sarah said. “There's nothing in there but junk anyway."