The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,82

just join us wherever we are once he’s done for the season. The same will go when he’s due back in the fall for camp and the start of the new season.”

“Do you have a nanny that travels with you, then?” I ask, not sure how that works.

“Probably. I have not gone on a full tour yet since Nicole was born, so Austin or my mom has just come along with me to take care of Nicole while I’m on stage. Once all the tour dates are set, and we know how much of them he cannot be with me, we will make that call. I would prefer to just have family since the bus quarters are tight, but I also feel bad asking my mom to come out on the road with me for weeks or months at a time. It can be hard to go from city to city, night after night. Eating catered food most days and sleeping weird hours while rolling down the road.”

“Makes sense.” I nod my head as I digest everything that she must have to consider now that she’s got a baby. “I never even considered everything that went into touring, especially with a baby and family.”

“It’s going to be different, that is for sure,” she agrees. “Even just going out for one or two show weekends this summer has been so different, and I’ve had Austin or my mom with me for all of them. Being on a bus with an almost walking toddler is not an easy feat, I can’t imagine what it will be like when she is walking.”

Our conversation flows over the hour as we finish up our pedicures. I picked out a bright pink, Jillian, a bright orange, and Reese, a bright red. With our toes all pretty and my fingernails also painted for tonight, we head out, first for some lunch and then to the store to find me the perfect outfit for tonight.



“Listen up,” Coach Roberts calls out as he enters the locker room from the dugout. We retreat into the locker room rather than stay out on the field because of how hot it is after a long practice. The air feels good on my warm skin. I suck down a bottle of ice-cold water as he looks around, waiting to get everyone’s attention. “Jose is out on IR for an unknown amount of time. He is going to require surgery and rehab after that. We’ve called up Lucas Black, so please welcome him to the team,” he tells the room at large. Jose is one of our best outfielders and had a nasty collision during a game last week and screwed up his shoulder.

They have never called this kid up, so I don’t know much about him, but my initial instinct just looking at him is he’s a punk kid with a chip on his shoulder. He does not look a day over twenty-one, so he is probably young and cocky. Maybe he is the answer to my problem with the press.

“Welcome,” a few of the guys call out to him, and he gives out a few head nods around the room. Yep, he’s a cocky fucker. I think I’ll like him, I say to myself. With Coach done talking to everyone, I pull my drenched clothes off and head for the showers. Knowing that I’ve got a date ahead of me tonight has me ready to blow out of this place as soon as possible.

I take the world’s quickest shower, pack my shit, and am out of the door before most guys are even dried off and dressed. “Where’re you off to in such a hurry?” Derek calls to my back.

“Got a hot date with your sister,” I call out over my shoulder.

“You better treat her right, or I’ll kick your ass tomorrow!” he calls back to me.

“Like her prince fuckin charming!” I tell him before the door to the locker room closes. I laugh my way to my car, pop the locks, and toss my bag into the back seat. I roll the windows down and open the sunroof, enjoying the sunny day and wind as I drive home.

“Hello!” I call out once I’m home. The house is quiet and dark, so I go in search of everyone. I find my parents outside with Evie, in the pool. “I’m home,” I call out, opening the door. “Where’s Riley?” I ask, looking around for her.

“We sent her off to go pamper herself today Copyright 2016 - 2024