The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,81

inside, her feet in a tub of hot water. “Hey, girls!” she calls out once we are inside. “Grab your color and take a seat,” she says, motioning to the chairs next to her that are being filled with water.

“Hi, Reese,” Jillian greets her, “good to see you again.”

“This is your sister-in-law?” she asks me with excitement filling her voice.

“The one and only,” I confirm.

“So, your brother is Derek?”

“You are correct again,” I tell her.

“It’s all making so much sense now,” she says. “I think we’re all going to be good friends,” she states matter-of-factly as Jillian and I both select our colors and sit in the big massage chairs. I relax as my feet slide into the hot water, and the massage rollers start working up and down my back.

“Oh my god, this was just what I needed,” I moan a moment later.

“You and me both. I might need to make this a regular thing. Especially the farther along in this pregnancy I get,” Jillian says. I look over, and she’s got her eyes closed as the chair massages away at her back.

“Amen to that, sister. I came all the time when I was pregnant with Nicole,” Reese tells us.

“Do you know where JJ is taking you tonight?” Jillian asks once the techs start on our toes a few minutes later.

“He’s told me nothing except to be ready by five and to pack an overnight bag.”

“Ooh, sounds like he’s got some sexy times planned,” Reese teases me.

“I’m sure he does,” Jillian says, bouncing her eyebrows at me.

“You guys are almost as bad as he is,” I joke right along with them. “I’m guessing a hotel and dinner are involved, as well,” I tell them, “but without knowing where we’re going to dinner, I’m a little stumped with what I should wear tonight.”

“You need something sexy, make him sweat it out during dinner,” Reese suggests. “I know the perfect store, not far away, that we could go to after here and get you a cute little number for tonight.”

“I like that idea!” Jillian adds. “We could also grab some lunch on our way.”

“Is baby boy hungry?” I ask her, and she just shrugs her shoulders at me like, what do you expect, I’ve got a bowling ball in my stomach.

“Sounds like we’ve got more plans today!” I state, knowing it’s easier to just go along with them than to try and go against whatever it is that they are scheming up. “That won’t be a problem with the sitter, will it?” I ask Jillian.

“Nope, she said she was free all day. I’ll just send her a text that we’re going to grab some lunch and then stop at the store before coming back.”

“Okay,” I reply.

“And I’ll text my husband that he’s on Daddy duty for a few hours.”

“How’s he handling that?” Jillian asks Reese.

“Like a pro. He was so cute when she was first born with how nervous he was to hold her, but after a day or two he got over the fears and is just smitten with her. She’s definitely a Daddy’s girl.”

“Derek was the same way when Addison was born. When Penny came along, he was right in there as soon as she was born, taking over. It will be interesting to see how he is with a boy this time around.”

“I’m sure he’ll be just fine, and he’s going to be teaching that boy to pitch a baseball before he can even walk, you just watch,” I interject.

“Probably,” she agrees, knowing Derek as well as we both do.

“Do you think Austin will try and get Nicole to play hockey?” I ask Reese.

“Oh, he’s already counting down the months until he can go buy her first pair of skates. I think the moment will be more special for him than it will be for Nicole,” she says, chuckling.

“Are you working on any new music?” Jillian asks Reese.

“Yep, I have been writing like crazy with a handful of writers, along with my favorite two back in Nashville, Stacey and Lee. They have become a little popular in the last few years, but always make time for me, which I am so grateful for! The plan right now is to head back into the studio in the fall and start recording for a spring record release. Then I’ll head out on a full tour next year. I’ll have to probably kick it off before Austin is done with the season, so we’ll have to juggle that, but then he’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024