The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,80

mother, or just stay as a friend, she’s lucky to have you.”

Tears prick my eyes at Julie’s kind words. “Thank you,” I say, just above a whisper. “I can only hope Justin and Evie feel the same way.”

“Don’t you worry, honey. My boy is head over heels in love with you. I have never seen him like this in his entire twenty-eight years.”

“That’s good,” I muse.

“Now, why don’t you go start getting ready for tonight, take the day and go get a manicure and pedicure, pamper yourself for your special night out. I hear that son of mine is whisking you away for the night, and this little love bug gets to have a night with Grandma and Grandpa.”

“She does,” I agree, smiling at the two of them. Evie is playing along happily with Julie right by her. “You’re sure?” I ask as I look down at my toes that could really use a fresh coat of paint, and so could my chipped fingernails.

“Positive, and if I know my son as well as I think I do, he’d think the same thing.”

“Okay, but promise me you’ll call or text if anything goes wrong.”

“I can promise, but I can also tell you that you’ve got nothing to worry about. I did raise that boy that you’re so fond of, and he’s still alive,” she jokes.

“Of course,” I agree, shaking my head at myself.

“Off you go,” she says, shooing me away.

I have not had a day to pamper myself in a long time and I almost don’t know what to do with myself. I slip my cell from my pocket to text Jillian to see if she wants to join me.

Riley: Want to join me for a pedicure? I’ve been kicked out by Justin’s parents.

Jillian: Let me see if the neighbor girl is home and can watch the girls! If she is, then absolutely! That sounds like heaven right about now.

Riley: Sounds good.

The thought to invite Reese also pops into my head, and before I can talk myself out of it, I shoot her a text, as well.

Riley: Hey! I’m heading out last minute to get a pedicure, would you like to come with me? My SIL might also join.

Reese: OMG! Yes! I need some pamper time. When are you going, and to what place?

Riley: Ummm… good question! I haven’t been to any of the places since moving here. Do you recommend a place close by that can take walk-ins? And I’m ready to go whenever.

Jillian: Cora will be here in about 10 minutes to watch the girls! So, I’ll be ready after that. Do you want to swing by and pick me up?

Riley: Perfect! I also invited Reese Blackwood; do you know who she is? I met her at the park yesterday. Justin was talking to her husband, Austin.

Jillian: She’s a sweetheart! You will love her! We’ve met at a few charity events the guys have all gone to, and I’ve run into her out and about in the neighborhood.

Riley: I asked if she recommended a salon nearby that takes walk-ins as I realized that I haven’t been to any since moving here.

Reese: There’s a place just outside of the neighborhood that takes walk-ins that I’ve been to a handful of times. Want to try them first? We can always go elsewhere if they can’t get us in.

Riley: Sounds perfect! I’ve got to swing by and pick up my SIL, and we’ll meet you there!

Reese: See you soon!

Riley: I’m on my way! Reese recommended the place just outside the neighborhood; I said we’d just meet her there.

Jillian: Sounds good to me, that’s where I go. See you when you get here.

I slip my flip flops on, grab my phone, wallet, and keys and head out the door. Less than five minutes later, I’m pulling in to pick up Jillian, who’s already outside waiting on me.

“Sorry, I figured if you came inside, the girls would want to hold us up leaving,” she says, getting in the car before I can get out.

“That’s okay,” I tell her before backing out.

“How’s your day going?” she asks as I make our way out of the subdivision. I catch her up on Justin’s parents arriving and how he is whisking me away for the night for a date night, how this outing was his mom’s idea and all about our conversation before I left.

“His parents are great; I’ve met them a few times,” she tells me as we pull up to the nail salon.

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