The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,83

before your date tonight,” Mom tells me as she floats around the pool.

“Good thinking, I wish I’d thought of that.”

“I told her just the same,” Mom tells me.

“Has she been gone long?” I ask, looking at my watch and seeing that it’s only three o’clock.

“Yep, she left mid-morning. Texted awhile ago that she is out with Jillian and Reese. They were going to get some lunch and then go shopping. Something about the girls insisting that she have a new outfit for tonight and wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

“Okay, I’ll just text her to see when she’ll be back.”

JJ: Just got home, will you be here soon?

Riley: Maybe 30 minutes? We still need to check out, but Jillian is trying a few things on still.

JJ: No rush; have a good time.

Riley: It’s been a fun day! I just love Reese.

JJ: Glad to hear it. See you when you get home. I can’t wait to see what you’ve picked out for tonight. Hopefully, it is something skimpy. :winky face:

Riley: You will just have to wait and see… :kissy face:

“Sounds like they’re having a good time and will be home within the hour or so.”

“I figured she could use a girls’ day out of the house and without the responsibility of Evie,” Mom tells me as I take a seat on one of the deck chairs.

“I’m going to go pack my bag for tonight, you guys okay out here? Need anything?”

“I’d take a beer if you have one in the fridge,” my dad says from the chair next to me.

“Should have some, I’ll go grab you one. Want anything, Mom?”

“Nope, I’m good for now.”

I stand up and head inside. I grab a beer quick for my dad and take it back out to him then head in and pull out a change of clothes, along with my toiletries kit. With the amount of travel I do, I’ve always got it packed and ready to go. I top off a few of the bottles and toss it into my bag. I don’t need much since we’ll be back sometime tomorrow morning before I have to head to the field before our afternoon game.

I finished packing and head out to the kitchen, grabbing a Gatorade from the fridge just as I hear the garage door open. I look around the corner and see Riley coming in, a few bags hanging from each of her hands. “Hey, babe, did you buy out the entire store?” I tease her.

“Felt like it, but Jillian and Reese insisted I get it all.”

“Do I get a personal fashion show?” I ask, raising my brows in a suggestive question.

“Not until later,” she tells me. “Now go away while I unpack all of this, pack my bag and get dressed for tonight. And no peeking,” she scolds me. I stalk over to her, wrapping my arms around her as I lift her off the ground. I crash my lips to hers in a possessive kiss.

“Maybe we should stop at the hotel before dinner,” I say against her lips.

“Not happening,” she insists. “You’ll ruin my hair and makeup if we do that, and the next hour of me getting ready will be pointless.”

“If you insist. But after? You. Are. Mine,” I tell her, nipping at her jaw between each word. “I hope you’re not expecting to get much sleep tonight,” I warn as I set her back on her feet and smack her ass as she turns to head to the bedroom.

It feels like forever before Riley comes out of the room, but really it's only just over an hour. I have to swallow my damn tongue when I see her. She’s pulled her hair up into a half-twisty half-down style. Minimal makeup highlights her eyes and lips, and my mind jumps directly into the gutter with that color staining them. My eyes track down her body. She’s got a one-piece, off the shoulder outfit that hits her mid-thigh. I have no idea what they call this style of outfit, but it looks like it was made for her. My eyes trail down her legs and find her feet in simple, yet elegant sandals that wrap around her ankles.

I hear a whistle from behind me and turn to find my dad whistling at Riley. “Damn, son, you’re one lucky man tonight,” he says, and I catch the blush as it stains Riley’s cheeks at his appraisal.

“You’re already married, old man, so paws off my woman,” I tease my dad.

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