The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,74

breaths. I can feel the pounding of his heart against my chest, and it matches my own erratic heartbeat.

“Welcome home,” I whisper once I have caught my own breath and started to come down from my release high.

“Fuck, I’ll leave more often if this is the welcome I get when coming home.” He chuckles then kisses my temple. “I love you,” he says sweetly before brushing his lips over mine.

His words settle into my heart, stitching that little crack that formed this morning. The one that I brought upon myself, but nonetheless needed stitching back together, and this man was exactly what I needed. My center clenches around his semi-hard cock that is still deep inside me. His words have me ready to go again.

Without words, he pulls out, and I whimper at the loss. He pulls off the used condom and goes to reach for another one. “Don’t,” I boldly tell him, reaching for his hand. “I don’t want anything between us, not now, not ever.”

“Are you sure?” he asks, stroking his cock a few times as he watches me closely.

“Positive. I love you, and you love me. Make love to me, Justin.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he says before motioning for me to move up the bed. He follows me up the center. Once I am settled, he places a kiss just above my center then kisses his way up my body. Nipping and sucking his way slowly, finally reaching my breasts, where he sucks one nipple then the other into his mouth, all while rolling the other between his fingertips. By the time he reaches my lips, I am on fire and ready for whatever he has planned next.

He pulls my left leg up and over his hip, lines his cock up with my entrance, and slowly pushes in. He watches as his cock disappears inside of me, only to pull out and do it again. The slowness drives me fucking insane. The feel of his cock bare and inside of me is intoxicating. “You feel amazing,” he tells me, starting to slowly speed up his thrusts. I pull his face to mine, plunging my tongue into his mouth until we are so completely lost in each other that we both fall apart and over the orgasm cliff together.

Justin rolls off me, taking me with him as he does so. I can feel his release start to slide out of me, and it is such a weird feeling. I have obviously never had sex without a condom since this is our first time doing so. “Let me get you a towel to clean up with,” he says, kissing my cheek before he gets up to grab one from the bathroom. He comes back a moment later, a warm wet washcloth in his hand. He gently wipes everything up then tosses the towel toward the laundry basket, missing it entirely as it plops onto the floor.

He hovers over me, locking his eyes with mine. The silent conversation flowing between the two of us right now has tears springing to my eyes.

“Why the tears, baby?” he whispers, breaking the silence between us.

“They’re good tears,” I tell him. “This just all feels so big and important.”

“It is,” he agrees with me, dropping his lips back to mine. “No one else I’d rather do this with. Thank you for being by my side, being my backbone when I needed one the most. Everything that you do to take care of Evie and me, I could never repay you for that. The way that you love her unconditionally, as if she was your own. That means more to me than you’ll ever know.”

“I do love her, both of you,” I tell him, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. He lies on his side, propped up with one arm. He cups my cheek with his other hand, wiping at the tears sliding down.

“We should get some sleep. It’s been one long-ass day.”

“I agree. I’m exhausted, especially now,” I tell him, snuggling into his side once he’s settled into his spot on the bed. “Love you,” I whisper just before I fade off to sleep.



I wake up to an empty, cold bed and sun shining in through the windows. I pull on some clean boxers and shorts after using the bathroom, and make my way out to the kitchen, where I find my two favorite girls dancing around as Riley waits for the coffee to brew and an egg to cook she has on Copyright 2016 - 2024