The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,75

the stove. I stand back, lean against the doorframe, and just watch the two of them.

If I were a stranger looking in the windows, I would never guess that I was not looking in on a mother and her daughter. It makes me hurt slightly for Evie that she does not have the opportunity to have this kind of bond with her birth mother. But on the other hand, the relationship that she has with Riley is special, all in its own right.

“Holy shit, you scared me,” Riley exclaims as she spins around and sees me. The move makes Evie laugh and kick her legs in excitement. She sees me, and her entire face lights up.

“Hey, baby girl,” I greet her, closing the distance between us. I reach out and take Evie from Riley’s arms as she leans for me at the same time.

“Dadadada…” she babbles, and I drink it all in, kissing her cheeks.

“That’s right, Evie. Dada is home,” I say, blowing a raspberry in the crook of her neck. She flings her head back as she laughs. Her little chubby hands rub my cheeks as she moves in to try and bite my nose. “Don’t bite Daddy,” I tell her firmly.

“Dadada,” she screeches once again, and I can’t help but laugh at her excitement.

“How are you this morning?” I ask Riley, tugging her closer to me so I can kiss the corner of her mouth.

“Good.” She flashes me a sweet smile before turning back to her breakfast on the stove. The toaster pops up at that moment, shocking Evie in my arms.

“Has she eaten yet?” I ask as I walk over to the highchair.

“Nope, I was waiting until my food was done so we could eat at the same time. Do you want to feed her?”

“Yep. What’s for breakfast today?” I ask Evie.

“I’ve got oatmeal and some banana I was going to cut up in small pieces for her. She really likes trying to pick up little pieces and feed herself. Now, if those bites actually make it into her mouth, is another story,” Riley tells me. “Do you want some breakfast?” she asks as she plates her toast and egg.

“I can make something in a little bit. Sit and eat while your food is hot.”

“Okay,” she says as she pours a cup of coffee and grabs her plate to join us at the table. I stir Evie’s oatmeal together and cut up the banana Riley had peeled and ready.

“Open up!” I tell Evie as I zoom in the first bite of oatmeal like the spoon is an airplane. She excitedly kicks her legs and smacks the tray of her highchair with her hands as the spoon gets closer to her mouth. I sneak it in, successfully getting it all into her mouth.

The next ten or so minutes pass by in the exact same way. I feed Evie her entire breakfast, stopping when she wants to attempt to get a bite of banana into her mouth. It is quite comical to watch her smear it all over her face sometimes, and then how proud she is when she gets it into her mouth.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” Riley asks once she is finished with her breakfast.

“I’ve got the entire day off, so I’m at your disposal.”

“Mhmm,” she hums, winking at me.

“Not around the baby,” I joke, attempting to cover Evie’s eyes. “I need to get in and get my hair cut, but besides that, I’m at your mercy.”

“I was thinking of a walk to the park, maybe before lunch and naptime. While Evie’s napping, you can go get your hair cut. Then maybe we can get together with Derek and Jillian for dinner?”

“Sounds like the perfect family day,” I say and see how she stiffens slightly. Shit, does she not see that is precisely what we are becoming?

“I agree!” she says, quickly allowing that apprehensiveness to roll off.

“Let me text my guy and see if he can get me in this afternoon, then,” I tell her, grabbing my phone and shooting off the text.

“Are you ready?” I call into the bedroom, where Riley is just finishing up getting ready for the day. I took over baby duty, allowing her to go shower by herself without having to rush while Evie played in the jumperoo inside the bathroom. I got her all cleaned up from the mess she made at breakfast and dressed for the day. With Daddy dressing her, I make sure her shirt is one of Copyright 2016 - 2024