The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,73

his eyes adjusting to the low amount of light in the room. I can feel his eyes on me like a brand. I watch him as he looks up and down my form under only the sheet. The primal look of desire filling his eyes, even from this distance, has my body already aching for his touch.

After closing the door with a soft click, he closes the distance between the door and the bed. His fingertips graze up my body, starting about mid-calf and on top of the sheet. Even with the material between us, I can feel the heat from his fingers. “You’re awake, guess I won’t be waking you up with my mouth on your clit.”

“Would you like me to pretend to be asleep?” I ask, my sass coming out strong tonight.

He chuckles, and I can feel those vibrations in my core. “Oh, sweetheart,” he says, running his fingertips along my cheek before they pass over my bottom lip. “No pretending will be happening in this room tonight. Just you, me, and every dirty, delicious thing I can think of to put our bodies through,” he tells me before he braces each of his arms on either side of me as his mouth claims mine in one hell of a demanding kiss. His tongue presses into my mouth as he takes complete control, not that I am fighting him for it tonight. I do not mind playing submissive to him, I trust him to never do something that would hurt me.

“Hmmm, you are naked,” he hums against my lips. “My favorite way to find you in my bed,” he tells me as he stands up again and quickly strips until he is naked himself. I watch as he palms his cock, giving it a few strokes. I lick my lips just thinking about sucking him deep into my throat. I love the power that it gives me to feel him come undone and knowing that I am the one doing that to him. It is a rush I never expected to feel until I experienced it with Justin.

“What are you going to do about it?” I ask him. His hand ghosts down my body, now exposed as he pushed the sheet out of the way. He grabs hold of my hips and maneuvers my body until my ass is on the edge of the bed. He sinks down to his haunches and throws my legs over his shoulders, his mouth quickly descending onto my center. The wicked things he does with his tongue have my body singing his praises as I arch off the bed. He releases my clit, and I cannot help but whimper at the loss of stimulation. I was on the edge of coming, but he has purposely backed off my orgasm, I am sure of it. “Don’t tease me,” I whine.

“I’ll tease you all I want,” he says, dragging the tip of his tongue from my opening, up my slit, and around my clit.

“Fuck!” I call out. “Do that again,” I instruct, and thank the lord he actually listens to my request. He follows it up by slipping two fingers inside me, stretching me as he plunges his fingers in and out. I can hear as his fingers slide around, thanks to how wet I am. I am a little surprised that my body is strung so tightly, especially after my bath orgasm.

“That’s it, baby, give it to me,” he coaxes as he builds me right back up to the edge. This time he does not back off. He continues to fuck my pussy with two fingers as he sucks my clit again between his lips, flicking it relentlessly until I am screaming his name out, my legs clamping around his head. He wastes no time, pulling his fingers from me and reaching for a condom, rolling it on quickly before thrusting into me until he is balls deep.

“Yes!” I cry out in ecstasy.

“Fuck, you feel good,” Justin grunts as he thrusts at an erratic pace, not letting up even with my body spasming around his cock. He latches on to my neck, sucking hard, hard enough that I’m sure he’ll leave a hickey mark. “Shit!” he growls in my ear. “I’m going to come,” he says as he thrusts one last time before I can feel him filling the condom. He stills above me, his forehead resting on the bed just above my shoulder. His body is trembling as he sucks in deep Copyright 2016 - 2024