A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,20

in anything so extreme for fates only knows how long.

“Arrange it, and I’ll be there. I need to disappear for a few hours, but I’ll be back later tonight,” Levi tells me as he strides towards me, then places a kiss on the top of my head. “Don’t get into too much trouble while I’m gone, Angel.”

“I’m making no promises.” I smile up at him as his wings unfurl from his back. I reach out to touch them but stop myself. He smirks at me, before heading out the back doors and then with a few beats, he’s airborne and gone from sight.

“Show off,” Creek grumbles, and I laugh.

“We too, should probably leave. I have some meetings to arrange with my Generals to see if we can get any news on this rogue situation,” Kain says with a sad smile. “I will not be gone long.”

“He’s right Princess. I need to contact my Alphas. We need a meeting of our own, but it will take time to gather them all. I’ll open the lines of communication and get word out. I’ll be back before nightfall.”

“As will I. Luc will be fine holding the reins in my absence.” I kiss each of them, the first touches of the day from them after the announcements last night. I’m grateful for the space they’re giving me, even if it is reluctantly.

“I guess it’s just us then.” Creek smiles.

“I won’t complain about that,” I say and laugh at Roman’s grumble. I walk the two of them out and come back to find Creek in the sitting room, phone plastered to his ear, his words hushed.

“I’ve got to go. I’ll see you soon,” he says as he sees me and frowns.

“That was Dad. Turns out it won’t be just us today, he asked me to head over, but he wouldn’t tell me why. He knows I’m with you, so even though he doesn’t agree with you being cast out, I guess he’s abiding it as much as he can. I’m sorry, beautiful.” He sighs, and I can see the emotional weight on him, how much this is costing him, walking the line between honoring our faction and his love for me.

“It’s fine, I understand. Hug your mom for me,” I say with a smile. “Let me walk you out.”

He stands and hugs me so tight I can’t decide if the hug is for him or me, but decide it doesn’t matter and hug him back just as fiercely.

I walk him out to his truck, and he hands over a bag. “Your things, from before. I really am sorry I have to go, Remy.”

“It’s fine, Creek. I get it. They’re your family.”

“You’re my family too.”

“And I know that too.” I stretch up on tip toes and kiss him, to show him that I mean my words. “I’ll see you soon.”

He nods and climbs into his truck, waving as he drives away down the gravel road.

Turns out the guys didn’t come back, I didn’t even see Levi, so I crashed at around midnight and woke this morning to a text from my brother, telling me to meet him at my apartment at ten. Nothing like asking if I’m free.

I know he’s angry, but what a dick.

I took out my anger and frustration on my morning run, looping the property line twice, before falling into the shower a sweaty mess.

Now, I’m sitting in the kitchen, devouring the beautiful French toast sticks Everly made me for breakfast, wondering what I’m going to do for the next hour, and if Levi is going to arrive in time to come with me to see my brother.

“You look a little distracted, sweetheart. Are you okay?” Everly asks, her kind eyes practically look into my soul.

“Not really, but I will be. Is Levi back?” I ask. I hadn’t yet because, well, I didn’t want it to seem like I was keeping tabs on him or whatever.

“He is, he got back just after you went to bed last night. He’s already been up and in the pool. I imagine he’ll be here in… well about now I guess,” she says, and I turn to see him stride into the room, looking at his cell, barely noticing his surroundings.

“Everything okay?” I ask before he barrels into me.

“Sorry, yes, just sending out some feelers about the weapon you mentioned yesterday. I visited Creek’s father yesterday, got the materials you had from him and gave them to a friend to look into. But I’m following other potential

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