A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,19

that any Hunter who sees me, is likely to try and kill me."

"Actually, no," Creek says. "After Levi said what he did, the death order was lifted, but..." he pauses and swallows. I can see how reluctant he is to say whatever it is he has to say.

"Just tell me," I say.

"They cast you out. I'm sorry Remy. We tried to stop it, my folks and I, but the ruling had been made." My legs falter at his words, I feel like I've been gutted.

Cast out.

I knew they were going to kill me, and after everything, I didn't exactly expect to be welcomed back with open arms, but I didn't expect that. At least death I could come back from eventually.

"Their decrees mean nothing. She carries the mark of their creator. Casting her out isn't an option, even by their laws," Kain says fiercely. I don't remember him ever sounding so pissed off, but I have to say, I kind of like it, even if it is because he's angry on my behalf.

"He's not wrong." Levi agrees. "Their laws are based on my word, I give them the power to cast people out, but I can also stop it. I just haven't before."

"Thank you, but it is what it is. I knew what I was doing when I took that bullet. I'll own my actions and the consequences they bring but let’s stop getting distracted. How do we fix this mess?"

"I'm not sure how this is your problem, maybe you should leave the Hunters to deal with it," Levi suggests. "You could walk away, live your life, be happy."

"That wouldn't make me happy. It’s not who I am. I couldn't walk away and just leave it like this."

"Oh, I know, I was just saying you could." He smiles at me knowingly.

I can’t help but to smile back before I question the group again. "So, I ask again, where do we start?" I look back to Creek who nods before telling me what he tried to earlier.

"Well, I've been looking into the weapon, there are texts of such a thing existing, in the histories of my kind. From the War of the Fallen, but how reliable those texts are, I would not know. First generation Dracul are all gone now, so are most of their children and grandchildren. My great-great-great grandfather was first generation. I have his journals, which is how I discovered the mention of it, but the weapon isn't named."

"Let me take that over," Levi says and Kain nods, they share a look I don't understand, but I trust them. They'll tell me when they're ready.

"The rogue situation? Could that be linked to the weapon?" I ask, but I feel it in my gut. I know it is.

"It's highly likely," Creek confirms, and Roman grunts his agreement.

"So, we need to work out who is behind it, and what the hell their plan is," I say, feeling more settled with at least an idea of where we’re going.

"Okay, but first, Colt texted me. He wants to see you," Creek says with a sad smile.

"Okay, I'll go see him," I sigh.

"The hell you will," Roman roars. "This could be a trap."

"He's my brother, Roman. I'm not going to ignore him."

"He is correct, mon amour. It could be a trap," Kain agrees.

"They're right." Creek shrugs, and I keep my shock at them agreeing under wraps, because holy crap.

"It could, but he's still my brother. I'm going. You can all come too if it makes you feel better, but I don't think it will help."

"What if I came?" Levi says, I can see him weighing up the risks in his head. "I can get us both out of there if anything were to happen, but it’s also much less likely with me there. Hunters don't revere much, but being their creator, it has some perks I guess."

"He's not wrong," Creek says, and again, I try not to stare open mouthed. I know I asked him to try and get along but shit. I guess my safety trumps centuries of hate.

"There you go then. Tell him I'll meet him, but not here." I look to Levi who nods.

"Other than you all, no-one else from earth knows that this place exists. It is safer that way. For them, because Fort Knox has nothing on this place." Levi grins, and I see the Archangel of War that he is, how he revels in it. It must have been quite dull for him to have not fought

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