A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,18

get along. I know it goes against everything you've lived and breathed for god knows how long, but please. It’s bad enough that everyone out there is fighting all the god damn time, I don’t want it in here too.” They all have the decency to look a little ashamed, except for Levi who just grins, his arrogant stance riling Roman, who just growls low under his breath.

“I’ll try," Creek says bashfully, and the others just nod their agreement.

"Thank you," I say to each of them.

“Breakfast!” Everly hollers from inside the house, so we head in and sit down. God knows she loves to fuss over us all. I wait until everyone is seated, plates full, before I pick up where we left off. "So, tell me. What have I missed?"

“No, no business talk at breakfast. Eat, then talk!” Everly scolds and I look thoroughly told, while the guys just chuckle and start stuffing their faces. I try not to look too shocked about Kain eating, I didn’t know if he’d eat human food too. I guess he does. I park the thought internally, to try and remember to ask him about it later. We eat in easy silence, too busy enjoying the food to talk.

I take the last bite of the sausage left on my plate and groan because I think I’m going to burst. I’ve never been great at saying no to food. “Thank you Everly, that was amazing as always.”

The guys follow with their thanks and compliments, while Everly sits and blushes.

“Thank you for humoring and old woman. I like to see you all eat well, it feels like I’m doing my part.” She bustles around collecting the dishes which Creek and Kain help her with. “Now, go ahead, business away, I’ll get out of your hair.”

She leaves the kitchen, the guys sit back down, and I ask my question again. “So, what did I miss?” Creek looks uncomfortable but opens his mouth first.

"Well, after Levi flew off with you, the Elders about exploded. I thought your grandfather’s head was going to burst. Your dad just kind of gaped after you, along with your brothers. My mom and dad seemed pretty chill about it, they weren't exactly on board with everything that was going on while you were locked up, but without having a family member in the Elder council, there's only so much we can do, and your grandfather was adamant you'd rot. He's a fucking piece of work. I get why your dad hates him so much.

Anyway, the Elders called an emergency meeting and disappeared into their chambers, dismissing the rest of us. We headed back to your dad’s, and he was basically mute for two days. I think seeing Levi fucked with him, that you'd been rescued by an Angel after everything you'd done, his world was a bit rocked. I'm not saying he's coming round, but he's shaken.

Colt, well he's Colt, he was psyched about seeing Levi, but he's still pissed at you, and Bauer? Well he's angrier than ever. It was only a few days, I was just trying to keep everyone calm, Mom and Dad knew I was coming for you, and I linked up with Roman and Kain to figure out how the hell to find you. They were already in touch with Levi, and now we're here." He shrugs, and I let out a long breath.

"Well at least things aren't exploding too much over there. Though god knows what the Elders are up to."

"It doesn't matter, they won't harm you," Levi growls, and I smile at him.

"Okay, so what are our next steps?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Levi asks.

"I mean, the rogue Lycans and Dracul are working together. They're obviously being organized by someone. Also, there’s the fact there's a weapon out there that Hunters can't heal from, and we still don't know what it is."

"What? When did that happen?" Levi looks shaken which sends a streak of fear through me, but I shove it down.

"My dad, he was attacked. Nate's was trying to find out what the material was in the bullets, but he hasn’t had much luck." I tell him, watching him closely. He nods, and I can almost see him going inside himself, keeping that storm within him under control.

"Let’s not forget, either, that Levi announced you as the balance, whatever that means," Creek says.

"Shut up, Creek. It is not time," Levi growls and I shake my head.

"As well as all that, there's the fact

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